PUBLIC HEARING … Adam Panis and Dennis Miller from Maumee Valley Planning Organization gave a Community Block Grant Program update to the Williams County Commissioners during a public hearing scheduled on Monday, January 31, 2022. Left to right are Commissioners Brian Davis, Lewis Hilkert and Terry Rummel. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
The Williams County Commissioners began Monday, January 31, 2022 with an Executive Session for Security matters with Sheriff Tom Kochert present and WC Prosecuting Attorney Katie Zartman on the phone.
The session lasted 33 minutes and there was no action taken when they came out, to return to regular session after a short recess.
In regular business, the Commissioners voted to approve:
-Resolution 51 Transfer on behalf of Commissioners and Sheriff’s office
-Resolution 52 Transfer of funds for the WC JFS of TANF funds from Public Assistance to Public Children Services Agency to reimburse direct costs
-Resolution 53 Transfer of funds for JFS, TANF from Public Assistance to Child Support Enforcement Agency to reimburse RMS activity
-Resolution 54 Entering into a Subgrant Agreement Amendment between WC JFS and Greater Ohio Workforce, Inc.
-Resolution 55 Advertising for Sealed bids which will be opened on Monday March 14, 2022 at 10 a.m., for Bruce Drive Road Improvements for Williams County
-Also signed were Travel Requests for Michael Levy to attend the Spillman SAA Certification and Motorola Conference and Dispatch Admin Certification; letter to Vickie Grimm in regards to dog licensing and tags; and county permit from Amanda Hoover to put a few Heart Week yard signs on the courthouse lawn
-Minutes for previous meeting and payment of bills
The commissioners then welcomed Amanda Hoover, representing the Williams County CHD group, and Commissioner Brian Davis read the Proclamation proclaiming the week of February 7-14, 2022 as Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week in Williams County.
They thanked her for all she does to assist other families like hers, that have this health concern. “We appreciate your dedication to keeping everybody abreast of what is going on with this,” Commissioner Terry Rummel stated.
After a recess, Dennis Miller and Adam Panas, from Maumee Valley Planning Organization (MVPO), filled the commissioners in on what is available to the county during 2022 as far as potential funding sources for projects.
Miller spoke of seven different sources and who might be eligible for them, including: Community Development program, Community Housing Impact and Preservation Program (CHIP), Economic Development program, Homeless and Supportive Housing program, and New Horizons Fair Housing Assistance Program, as well as the Target of Opportunity and the Target of Opportunity Downtown Revitalization.
Millions of dollars are available for application and he encouraged the commissioners to let them know if they want to apply for any of these. He went into detail on how each of them works, as well.
They each require matched funding. Miller said that according to their research, most of the City of Bryan, most of Montpelier, all of Pioneer and Madison Township, are eligible presently.
With no action required from the commissioners, they thanked the gentlemen for the public hearing and stated that they hope to have some potential projects by the second public hearing.
Rebecca can be reached at