VISITING EXTENSION OFFICES … In recognition of National FFA Week, Four County Career Center FFA Chapter officers were pleased to present the Fulton & Williams County Office of the OSU Extension with a plant grown in the greenhouse at the Career Center. The Career Center is appreciative of the support they give the students of the FFA Chapter. Shown above during the visit to Fulton County are (LEFT TO RIGHT) Mason Herman (Edgerton); Office Associate, Pam Kurfiss; Delaney Burghardt (Evergreen); Abigail Johnson (Hicksville); and Elizabeth Frost (Hicksville). Shown below during the visit to Williams County are (LEFT TO RIGHT) Delaney Burghardt (Evergreen); Office Associate, Karen Ford; Mason Herman (Edgerton); Elizabeth Frost (Hicksville); and Abigail Johnson (Hicksville). FFA Advisors are instructor Denton Blue, Jason Elston, Eric Hite, Florence Luzny, Stephanie Pippin, and Larry Soles. (PHOTOS PROVIDED)