The Metamora Village Council held their meeting on Monday, September 19th at 8:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance before council heard from visitor Tom Sullivan.
Mr. Sullivan asked when the zoning was changed from making a list of residents in violation of the ordinances to compliant-based enforcement.
The mayor stated that the ordinances do not specify the process on how to enforce zoning violations.
It was suggested that some council members could keep an eye out for locations with noxious weeds/overgrown grass.
Residents in violation would be sent a letter requesting that they clean up their yard. The letter will also state that, if they need assistance, they should contact the Chamber of Commerce since they have a program in place for residents who need help with yard work.
Council next moved to approve minutes from the previous council meeting held on September 7th as well as the list of bills as presented.
Moving to personnel and finance, council moved to approve an increase for expense line E2-5-C-252 and A1-7-B-212.
For lands and building, Dave White Chevrolet has a new truck coming into their lot in a few months. They will be contacted to find out more information regarding the truck.
Two quotes have been received from Buck & Knobby and one quote from Kenn-Feld Group for a skid steer. Council moved to purchase the 2022 Mustang skid steer and a trailer at an amount of $48,300.00.
A motion was also approved to increase expense line A1-7-E-252-20 by $10,000.00 for the purchase of the skid steer.
Work is being done to have the lagoons surveyed to see when they will need to be dredged and the leaf pickup for Assumption begins soon.
Sidewalk repairs were discussed next along with a complaint received by a village resident regarding the reservoir draining onto their field.
It was suggested to have the land surveyed before addressing the concern. It was then moved to pay a bill to Joe Eisel before moving to old business.
The shelter rental agreements have been getting worked on with there now being two options for rental. These options would be with and without a kitchen.
Future events with the Chamber of Commerce were discussed as well as a possible Christmas tree decorating contest.
Discussion followed next regarding residents who are filling their pools before council moved to approve Ordinance 2022-11 under emergency provisions.
This ordinance is in regard to the accepting of amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor.
For the fiscal officer’s report, the county has a work order to clean out ten-mile creek this winter.
The county was contacted about the main water line who explained that this is a known concern and that they are addressing it.
The mayor then read the sheriff’s report for August. He also explained that information was received about Christmas at the Cabin at the fairgrounds and that they are accepting volunteers or monetary donations.
With no further business to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m.