The January meeting of the West Unity Three Arts Club was held at the home of Terri Westfall.
Fifteen members answered the Roll Call, “Your favorite trip”. For the program, Cathie Batt gave a slide show presentation of her trip last summer to Austria, Germany, and Italy, including Salzburg, Munich, Venice, and The Passion Play at Oberammergau which is only performed every ten years.
The meeting was then called to order. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were approved as read. Correspondence was read regarding donations to the Hilltop Science Fair to be held February 11.
After some discussion, Kim Grime made a motion to give $60, Laura Rohlf seconded it, and the motion passed.
It was decided that the club will sponsor a delegate to Buckeye Girl’s State held June 11-17 at Bowling Green State University.
For a fundraiser, Mel Mercer suggested to have a reverse purse raffle on April 1 at the Kissel Building.
After some discussion, Terri Westfall made a motion to have the event and Emily Schlosser seconded it. It was voted on and passed.
Tickets will be $40 each and only 150 will be sold. Committees were formed and more plans will be made at the February meeting.
The meeting was then adjourned, and delicious refreshments were served by co-hostesses Becky Bacon and Shelley Elser. The February meeting will be held at the home of Laura Rohlf.