By: Jacob Kessler
The Fulton County Commissioners held their meeting on Tuesday, March 21st. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
The minutes from the previous meeting held on March 16th were approved along with the current agenda and payment of the listed bills.
A review then took place of correspondence received from the Ohio Department of Youth Services for the FY 23 Subsidy Grant.
Another review also took place for an office closure notice for the Clerk of Court before Commissioners moved to approve the following agenda items.
– Resolution 2023-236 for the increase and transfer of appropriations for various departments.
– Resolution 2023-237 to dispose of unneeded, obsolete, or unfit property.
– Resolution 2023-238 to approve legal and authorize an ad for the 2023 Fulton County Asphalt Resurfacing Program.
– Resolution 2023-239 to award a bid for the Bridge EF6-3.1 Rehabilitation Project on behalf of the Engineer.
– Resolution 2023-240 to authorize the board president to execute a subordination agreement for the CHIP Loan.
– Resolution 2023-241 to enter into Contract 2023-68 with Liquid Engineering for Cleaning and Inspection of the Evergreen Water Tank.
– Resolution 2023-242 to enter into Contract 2023-69 with Fenson Contracting for Demolition Project – 15961 US HWY 20A.

– Resolution 2023-243 to accept the resignation of a JFS employee.
– Resolution 2023-244 to approve a personnel request on behalf of JFS.
– Resolution 2023-245 to approve purchase orders and travel requests.
Commissioners then moved to approve Resolution 2023-246 for a grant extension to file plans for Ditch 2149 – Village of Delta. The next hearing on the matter will take place on April 6th, 2023, at 9:15 a.m.
With no other business to attend to the commissioners moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 a.m.
Jacob can be reached at