The Fayette Board of Education held their meeting on Monday, May 15th. The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. with the Board immediately entering into executive session.
Upon their return at 7:21 p.m. the meeting was opened up to allow members of the public to speak to the board.
Sgt. McConnell spoke to the board first regarding the completion of the schools D.A.R.E. program and stated that their graduation was a success. Ann Wheeler then gave an update regarding IEP progress for the school.
Reports and updates took place next with the superintendent going first. The school has received a grant from the OFCC.
This grant had restricted uses for authorized equipment that corresponded with the vulnerability assessment of the building and grounds.
The school will be adding a public address system for the grounds and will add window film on the main entryway doors.
The treasurer then spoke about the Five-Year Forecast, stating that it was adjusted for $18,000.00 more in SDT and also added the solar field’s partial payment beginning in August 2024.
The board then approved the following agenda items. The financial report for April 2023, an updated five-year forecast and supporting notes for FY 2023, a list of donations made to the school, and a list of students for graduation in 2023 pending their completion of requirements.
Summer school for high school students and “Summer Adventures” for Elementary students were also approved before moving on to approve numerous personnel items.
NEOLA policies were updated next before the board moved to approve the following agreements. An agreement with Hylant Group to provide property insurance coverage through the Ohio School Plan for FY 2024.
A Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a master electric energy sales agreement between the district and Power4Schools endorsed electric supplier.
An agreement with The University of Toledo and Bowling Green State University for college credit plus courses for FY 2024.

An agreement with OAPSE Chapter #21 with the Fayette Local School Board was approved as well. A review then took place of the Normal Memorial Library Financial Budget for 2024.
With no other items to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. The next meeting will be held on June 26th, 2023.