ADULT SHOWMANSHIP Makinzy King addressed the board with the idea of adult showmanship which is a successful profitable and entertaining event and the board decided to add it in after the Pee Wee Showmanship
By: Anna Wozniak
After the pledge of allegiance, the first thing that the Williams County Fair Board addressed was a recommendation from previous Fair Queen Makinzy King.
Miss King came in to share how she thinks the Williams County Fair would benefit from an adult showmanship activity.
Having seen these types of events in other counties, she expressed her belief that this would provide solid entertainment, raise funds, and promote communal participation.
The board then approved the minutes of their July 20, 2023 meeting, as well as a special meeting that was held on August 2, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
During the special meeting held on the 2nd, a motion was carried to allow the pork producers to put a concrete pad next to their building after recent storm damage, as was a motion to raise the purse for the derby to $25,000.
Dave Page informed the board that he had a skid loader for sale that he would be willing to sell to the society for $8,000, and the board decided to consider the offer and discuss it at the next meeting.
A motion was made for Scott Carrol to procure building signs, and Tim Belding volunteered to help as liaison to the Girl Scout volunteers.
The society then moved on to the current treasurer’s report, where it was noted that the 100,000 loss was the payment for the heating and cooling system.
Tickets for the bicycle giveaway have been ordered, as have radios and awards. Most judges have been contracted as well.
The ticket office is struggling to find volunteers, which will hopefully be remedied by the motion made by the board to pay workers $10 an hour.
Equipment details were shared, and the board accepted a motion to purchase the skid loader from Dave Page for $8,000. Damages from the recent storm are still being addressed.

September 2nd should see set-up for the fair to begin, and President Goll informed the board that there was an injured diary show-child that would need the assistance of his brother.
Royalty celebratory necessities have been ordered, and a motion was made to address the four petitions for positions on the Agricultural Society / Fair Board for the next election.
A motion was carried to accept a cleaning bid pending certain negotiations, and a probationary fair office volunteer has begun to prepare the office for this year’s fair.
Pass requests were made available for members to fill out, each show family will get two name markers, and the gates will be closed from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. with the intent of promoting all chores to be done for the livestock well before 9 p.m.
It was decided that 4-H members that would like to camp at the campsite must have a guardian over the age of 18 purchase the site for the market price, and then a motion was made to allow the removal of wood around the premises that has rotted.
The board went into executive session at 8:16 and came out with no action at 8:29.

They then made a motion to put an adult showmanship section after pee-wee showmanship, allow the auction of two derby vehicles for fair and community benefit, and accepted all four petitions for positions.
Conversation was then had on the desperate situation regarding stray cats that the fairgrounds are currently seeing.
After the remains of petrified cats that were trapped throughout barns and buildings were found, calls have been made to the local humane society.
It is guessed that the cats went inside these structures at the end of the fair season, not making it out before things were locked up for the year.
The board is hoping for direction towards a trapping program to remove the felines from the area, and made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com