The Metamora Village Council held their meeting on Monday, November 6th. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes from the previous meeting held on October 16th were approved first along with reading of the bills.
Old business came next, which led to a discussion regarding repair quotes for the Garnsey Avenue Pedestrian Bridge. Two quotes were received, with the first being from Anderzack Pitzen for $49,400.00 and the second being from R.G. Zachrich Construction for $33,500.00.
Council moved to send the quotes to CT Consultants for their advice as to which repair option would be the best option.
Next, it was stated that contact will be made with HPH Contractors for sewer repairs that need to be completed on East Main Street. Eisel Construction looked at the items, but a bid had not been received from them as of yet.
Moving to new business, Wastewater Operator Mike Stiles has resigned. His last day will be November 30th. Following discussion, council moved to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2023-14 to enter into a contract with IFM to provide the village with Wastewater of Record Services.
The motion was then also passed. This measure was done to ensure that someone would always be present to look after the system, even if someone were to leave their employment.
John Pupos then volunteered to continue the work being done in the back room of the office, to include sealing the exposed brick, repairing drywall, etc. Approval was then given to mail a letter to a resident on Garnsey Avenue regarding their abuse of unlimited trash pickup.
Discussion regarding this year’s Christmas Parade then took place with it being stated hot chocolate and cookies would be served uptown, with Santa making an appearance at the Fire Hall after the parade.
Council then moved to the fiscal officer’s report, with it being moved to pass the second reading of Ordinance 2023-10 for the hiring of Robert Bohmer and the Law Office of Rupp, Hagans and Bohmer, LLP, as the Village Solicitor and Prosecutor for the year of 2024.
A request was then made to suspend the rules to pass Ordinance 2023-11 to authorize an exchange of land between the Village of Metamora and Scott and Susan Clendenin.
The motion to suspend was passed along with a motion to approve the measure. Additionally, another request was also made to suspend the rules for Ordinance 2023-12 to amend 2023 appropriations and to approve 2023 transfers to the Village of Metamora, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31st, 2023, Quarter 3 for July through September. This request was also passed along with the measure.
Next, an update was given regarding the UAN conversion. It was stated that October is the first month reconciling in the new system, and that number are off by roughly $1,800.00.
UAN gave assurances that this is most likely a pre-conversion number and that there is no reason for concern. It was also stated that this is a relatively short amount and that it happens all the time when switching computer systems.
This amount will be added to the adjusting factor in the reconciliation process so the numbers balance for October. A motion was still made to pass Ordinance 2023-13 to authorize the mayor to enter into an agreement with Michelle Stahl for the purpose of a traveling clerk, employee agreement.
The sheriff’s report for the month of October was then discussed before council moved to adjourn at 7:32 p.m.