LOCAL SUPPORT It was announced that the Williams County Pork Producers will be donating the costs of the new pig pens to the Williams County Agricultural Society Here is WCAS President Pamela Goll accepting a check for the donation from Williams County Pork Producers Vice President Garold Keppeler and President Paul Haines VIEW ALL PHOTOS OF THIS EVENT FOR FREE AT WWWTHEVILLAGEREPORTERCOM
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Pork Producers finished off their 45th year in their usual way with the annual appreciation banquet.
Since 1978, they have been coming to the Williams County Fair to serve attendees delicious pork products, relying on the community for volunteer support to run the stand at the fair.

President of the Williams County Pork Producers, Paul Haines, shared that each day of the fair is “split into two shifts, each with a chairman with 8 to 20 people working under them depending on the day.”
It was apparent that the community is involved with this, as the Williams County Veterans Memorial Building was filled with those who had donated their time and efforts to another year of success for the Williams County Pork Producers.

Mr. Haines gave a “thank you to all of the community” for their support and involvement, sharing that the Williams County Pork Producers are “looking for more fresh faces,” and that those interested in getting involved should reach out to him personally via email at wmscoporkprod@outlook.com .