CHICKEN BBQ … Members assembled meals for customers at the Chicken BBQ event. (Left to Right) Kate Wyse, Molly Elvey, Brailynn Demoulin, Ryan Hassan, Alyssa Marvin, Maebeel Rettle, Callie Wyse, Alex Paulson, and Lilly Finfera.
The Evergreen FFA members recently helped the Evergreen FFA Alumni Chapter host their Annual Chicken Barbeque. FFA members volunteered to sell tickets ahead of the event.
Members worked the event by assembling meals for the event which was held ahead of the start of the Evergreen’s homecoming football game.
The dinners included half a chicken, baked beans, a baked potato and a dinner roll. The Evergreen FFA Alumni’s Chapter mission is to conduct events and opportunities for the Evergreen FFA members.
Any individual can join the alumni’s efforts. You do not need to have been a past member of the National FFA Organization to join the alumni association.
If you are interested in joining the alumni chapter, please reach out to Ms. Alexis Howell at ahowell@evgvikings.org.