NSCC GRADUATION … Devin Franklin, President’s Outstanding Student, and Dr. Todd Hernandez, NSCC President.
PRESS RELEASE – Northwest State Community College celebrated the December 2024 graduating class at their fall ceremony last evening, held as an in-person ceremony in the Voinovich Auditorium.
The ceremony recognized the awarding of 87 degrees and/or certificates to 80 students from the divisions of Arts & Sciences; Business & Public Services; Nursing and Allied Health; and Science, Technology, Engineering Technology & Math (STEM) and Industrial Technologies.
NSCC President Dr. Todd Hernandez announced the President’s Outstanding Student: Devin Franklin. Franklin graduates with an Associate Degree in Business Management, which is his second degree from the College (he previously earned an Associate Degree in Marketing last semester.)
Cassie Rickenberg, NSCC Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs followed Dr. Hernandez, and provided a statistical snapshot of the graduating class.
Rickenberg noted that 78% of the graduating class lives in the College’s six-county service area (Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, Van Wert and Williams counties), the average age of the graduates is 27, and the grade point average of the class is 3.22.
Of the 87 awards, 54 were associate degrees and 33 were certificates. Awards by academic division included Arts & Sciences (6), Business & Public Services (19), STEM & Industrial Technologies (36) and Nursing & Allied Health (26).
The student speaker for this year’s commencement ceremony was Nathan Morgan of Defiance. Morgan started taking classes through NSCC in 2022 after graduating from Defiance High School. Morgan is a recipient of the Presidential scholarship.
Morgan graduates with an Associate of Science degree, with plans to transfer to Ohio State University in hopes of earning a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Psychology, with the ultimate goal of becoming a mental health counselor.
In his address, Morgan said, “Remember the conversations that changed your perspective, the moments of discomfort that helped you grow, and the connections that reminded you of our shared humanity. Let these moments guide you.”
The keynote speaker for this year’s commencement ceremony was Amy Wachob, President and CEO of Goodwill Industries of Northwest Ohio.
Wachob’s speech included introspection into her own failures, challenges and struggles; while relaying the perseverance she possessed to overcome those challenges and find hard-earned success.

As part of her inspiring speech (“Keep going!”), Wachob said, “Never stop asking questions, admitting when you don’t know the answer, or being vulnerable when wanting to learn more.” She concluded her speech with a note of congratulations to the graduating class.
The College also recognized two individuals that were awarded Emeritus status, an honorary title awarded for distinguished service to the academic community. The recipients were Dr. Melissa Faber (faculty) and Dr. Larry Zachrich (faculty and administration.)
Dr. Faber served as a psychology faculty member at the College for over 25 years and was a leader in the use of evidence-based practices in the classroom to improve student outcomes and seek better ways to reach learners. Faber also earned the prestigious Distinguished Faculty Award in 2019.
Dr. Zachrich served the College for over four decades, holding the positions of faculty, dean, and agency coordinator. In his time at NSCC, Zachrich mentored faculty and administrators and introduced innovative initiatives including department certificates and credit for experiential learning.