GRANTS AVAILABLE …Village Administrator Jason Rockey (near left) explains progress on different grants to the board that benefit Parks and Recreation.
By: India Kenner
The Montpelier Park and Recreation Board met Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was attended by board members Angela Hillard, Kyle Long, Matt Reid, and Brent Saneholtz, Recreation Director Sandy Gordon, Park Supervisor Nick Ramos, and Village Administrator Jason Rockey.
Visitors included Shawn Owen and Seth Miller, representing Youth Baseball, and Scott Gordon from Pony League. Bethany Coutz was absent.
Acting chair Angela Hillard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Owen and Miller from Youth Baseball and Gordon, on behalf of Pony League, shared with the board plans for the upcoming season, including umpire fees and the number of registrations.
They mentioned that not many rule changes or new equipment were needed other than baseballs and repairs to the press box. They also talked about a 50/50 fundraiser that would be split between the leagues.
The board reviewed and approved the minutes and financial statements from January and February.
Rockey updated the board on a few grants that the village had applied for, including Parks and Recreation, the TAP grant, and the Safe Routes to School.
The village office is also helping to revise and update the handbook/manual for the pool. The revisions should be completed by next month’s meeting.
Ramos gave a pool and park maintenance update. A list of March updates was shared, which included winter pool maintenance and collecting applications for lifeguards, with ten lifeguards returning for the 2025 season.
Ramos noted that scoreboards have been ordered for the ball fields. Trash has been picked up, and holiday decorations have been taken down, repaired, and stored. Picnic tables at Storrer and Main Street have been refurbished.
The rehiring of Jeff Hephner for mowing and Hayden Sharps and Griffin Cooley as summer park maintenance staff is being considered.

Gordon gave the recreation update regarding memorial trees and worked with Fackler Concrete on obtaining memorials that anchor into the ground near the trees rather than tags that can be lost or removed.
Summer program themes were discussed. Gordon also noted that milk options for summer lunches will need to be explored since Arps will no longer be the supplier.
Hillard presented options for dog waste stations for the parks and trail heads. Following a discussion, the board voted on the best options and determined where they would be placed.
Reid talked about meeting with Sam Tipton, who is involved in the Disc Golf community. Tipton has helped other towns, such as Edgerton, in getting courses set up and is looking forward to exploring the parks and trails to see if a course is feasible for the area.
A motion to adjourn was made by Gordon at 8:04 pm and seconded by Saneholtz. The next meeting will be Wednesday, April 2nd, at 7:00 p.m.