EDGERTON – The Montpelier Locomotives went on the road to Edgerton on December 8. The Locomotives looked great early, outscoring Edgerton 13-11 in the first quarter, but Edgerton quickly recovered. They outscored Montpelier 15-2 in the second quarter and 14-2 in the third. Montpelier had a small push in the fourth quarter, but by then it was too late. Edgerton ended up winning 49-29.
Blaine Thorp of Montpelier scored a majority of the team’s points (17) while Jared Shoup led the team in rebounds (9). Also scoring for Montpelier were Alex Matzinger with 4 and Parker Houk, Nate McCord, Jake Leung, and Jared Shoup with 2 points apiece.
Montpelier 13 2 2 12 – 29
Edgerton 11 15 14 9 – 49