By: James Pruitt
Archbold Schools’ staff will be meeting with the new teachers Aug. 3 for orientation. They will receive a great deal of information that will assist them during their first year and beyond, Superintendent Aaron Rex said.
The office remodel is continuing to make progress, Rex said. The spaces have been painted and the cabinetwork was to arrive July 18.
“Once these are installed we will be able to move ahead with the carpeting, electrical and finish work,” Rex said.
The project should be completed Aug. 12.
Rex later asked for and received authorization to purchase two new school buses. The buses will use propane as fuel.
The fueling station should be ready in August so drivers can be trained and the new vehicles should be delivered by September or October.
The board awarded the bus bid to Cardinal Bus Sales for a 78-passenger school bus and a 54-passenger handicapped school bus.
In other actions the board:
Accepted a donation of $1,300 from Archbold Rotary to the Archbold High School Art Club.
Approved a resolution to allow for the non-routine use of school buses for a public event, open to the public on July 20 and July 27 sponsored by Northwest State Community College.
Approved High School handbook changes/revisions for the 2016-2017 school year.
Approved the 2016-2017 fall sports passes and football reserved seat prices.
Approved a one-year supplemental contract for Andrea Thiel as a head softball coach for the 2016-2017 school year.
Approved Kayla Wyse as a tennis volunteer for the 2016-2017 school year.
James Pruitt may be reached at