The Evergreen Local Board of Education met in regular session Aug. 8.
The board observed a moment of silence for the Sierah Joughin family.
Superintendent Jim Wyse read a thank-you from the American Red Cross for supporting their efforts recently in Fulton County. They used the high school cafeteria to provide food and drinks for our first responders.
Brad Morrison, from Maumee Bay Turf Center, answered questions about the option of replacing our field with synthetic turf in order to change it to a multi-use field that supports football, soccer and marching band practice. The good topsoil removed from the current football field would be used to refurbish various practice fields.
The Board conducted the following business:
* Offered the following supplemental contract for the 2016-17 school year, pending completion of all certification/licensure requirements to: Brian Nagy 7/8 Football
* Employed Cynthia Ricica as a part-time, nonteaching employee (Aide Classification, Step 10). Employment will be on an hourly, as-needed basis. Her initial bus/classroom preschool aide assignment will be based upon the needs and attendance of specific special education students.
* Approved the classified and certified substitute lists provided and maintained by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center (NwOESC) for 2016-17.
* Approved the following High School & Junior High paid and volunteer event workers and to set the compensation for certain athletic event positions, to be paid from the Athletic Fund:
Volunteers and/or Paid Workers:
Doug DeSloover, JoAnne Keifer, Andrew Langenderfer, Pat Penrod, Matt Cymbolin, Renee Mack, Joe Blystone and Lynda Arquette,
Paid Positions (if no volunteers available):
Junior High Ticket Takers – $25 per night
Junior High Clock – $25 per night (except for back-to-back JH Football, which is $25 per game)
Junior High Concessions – $25 per night
High School Ticket Takers – $25 per night
Sheriff Department (Security) – $75 per night
Freshman, JV, Varsity Volleyball Scorebook – $10 per match
Freshman, JV, Varsity Volleyball Clock ($10; $10; $15)
Freshman, JV, Varsity Football Clock ($25; $25; $35)
Assistant Facility Manager – $35 per night
Freshman, JV, Varsity Basketball Scorebook ($10; $10; $25)
Freshman, JV, Varsity Basketball Clock ($10; $10; $15)
High School Announcers – $25 per night
* Approved Kelley Carmean for up to one hour per week, at the rate of $20 per hour, for elementary keyboarding support. The additional assignment is for 2016 – 17 school year and is designed to better prepare students for online assessments.
* Approved Phil Schwan, pending completion of all pupil certification requirements, as a high school cross country volunteer coach for the 2016-17 school year.
* Approved school bus stops as recommended by the superintendent and the transportation coordinator. Bus routes and stops are on file with the transportation department. The board further authorized the superintendent and/or his designee to change board-approved stops whenever necessary for the 2016 – 2017 school year.
* Evergreen Local Board of Education agreed to support the educational option program administered by the Wood County Educational Service Center for the Wood County Juvenile Detention Center (JDC), the Juvenile Residential Center (JRC) of Northwest Ohio, and the Wood County Alternative School (ALC). For the 2016 – 2017 school year, the Evergreen Board of Education agrees to pay:
$64 per student per day for students assigned to JDC (last year $64)
$68 per student per day for students assigned to JRC (last year $64)
$50 per day for students for short-term placement to the ALC (last year $45)
$55 per day for students for long-term placement to the ALC (last year $55)
* Approved Julie Carter as the Evergreen Local Board of Education delegate, and Nora Kiefer as the Evergreen Local Board of Education alternate to the OSBA Annual
Business Meeting at the OSBA Capital Conference Nov. 14.
* Under Discussion and Information:
a. Update on turf painting on the soccer fields and practice fields.
The next regular board meeting will be 7 p.m. Sept. 12 in the Loren Pennington Learning Center.