After holding a moment of silence in remembrance of a primary school student’s passing, the Wauseon Schools Board of Education reviewed a light agenda at their Monday, February 14th meeting.
The board adopted a resolution accepting amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor for fiscal year 2018. Affected areas include the general fund, bond retirement fund, permanent improvement fund, and the classroom facility fund.
The board also accepted a donation of $3,000.00 from the Wauseon Athletic Boosters to the Wauseon Athletic Department for Swim and Dive Team warm ups and approved Jaime Rupp as a Volunteer Softball Coach for the 2016-17 school year pending receipt of both a clean BCI/FBI background check and Pupil Activity Permit.
In building reports,
Principal Blake Young reported that Kindergarten registration will take place March 23-24, 2017. A second grade musical and math night also saw great participation. The school raised over $389 for the Fulton County Heart Radiothon through selling “licenses” for students to take part in special activities. Young also reported that 82 percent of Kindergarten and 80 percent of first grade students have met their end of year academic goal, and the building is taking steps to begin entering grades online in the next school year.
“This year our class is doing a wonderful job, our teachers are doing a great job. We’re starting a lot of early intervention
Elementary Principal Theresa Vietmeier told the board that response to their United Way after school program grant has been great, and the January 13th professional development day was roundly praised by teachers for the variety of choices available. She also reported that the building’s recent Math Night and award ceremonies for each grade were well received.
“We have a lot of awards for academics, improvement, which is just as important, and citizenship. We celebrate many dimensions of learning because there’s many dimensions to life,” she said.
The elementary school also hosted an uplifting percussion assembly by Sheltered Reality, an adult and student drum organization that spreads positive messages to students.
Principal Joe Friess reported that Lindsey Mathews (6th Grade), Maggie Duden (7th Grade) and Megan Black (8th Grade) recently represented the school in the Fulton County Spelling Bee with the elementary representatives of Benjamin Tule (4th Grade) and Maria Shema (5th Grade). Shema placed first, Mathews placed second, and Tule placed fourth in their respective categories.
Friess also told the board that 21st Century Grant after school program has continued to flourish and will be up for renewal this year.
Upcoming dates include an ALICE training for students to be prepared in the event of a school shooting. Chief Hartsock of the Delta Police Department will present across the district.
“The staff got it and they liked it, and it’s been a pressing issue of when we’re going to train the kids,” he said.
Wauseon High School Principal Keith Leatherman reported that state end of year testing will take place at the end of March and plans are in place to review administering procedures at an upcoming professional development day. Leatherman also told the board that guidance counselors are meeting with students to schedule next year’s courses.
The board then entered into an executive session to discuss the employment of personnel and the purchase and sale of real estate. No action was taken.
The next regular meeting will be held Monday March 13, 2017 in the board office.
Cory Johnson may be reached at