The Northwest State Community College Foundation recently hosted a formal dedication ceremony of the nursing lab, patient care units and simulation rooms at Northwest State. The ceremony featured designated areas that were named in recognition of local donors. Parkview Physicians Group, which operates health care facilities throughout northwest Ohio and northeast Indiana, named the NSCC nursing lab.
“This donation truly is an investment in education and people,” said Robbin Wilcox, director of development at NSCC. “About seventy-five percent of Parkview’s nursing staff in the organization’s Ohio offices graduated from Northwest State. By supporting nursing education, Parkview is investing in its future employees. That says a lot about the quality of Northwest State’s nursing program and Parkview’s employees.”
The lab, located on the second floor of the Allied Health and Public Services Building, features two simulation rooms and nine patient care units. “The lab is more than just space. As a result of many generous donors, the lab is now equipped with the tools that will train the most sought after nursing graduates in northwest Ohio,” said Wilcox.
The obstetric simulation room, named for Henry County Hospital, features a birthing mannequin complete with an infant mannequin. The adult simulation room, named in memory of Jean Cox by Joe and Cindy Krueger, features an additional state-of-the-art simulation mannequin that can be programmed with various conditions.
The patient care units mirror real hospital rooms and are equipped with beds, IV equipment and monitors that play training videos for students to follow while they practice skills. Farmers and Merchants State Bank sponsored two patient care units, while Fulton County Health Center, Tom and Bonnie Stuckey and Friends & Employees of NSCC each named one.
The Allied Health & Public Services Building at Northwest State Community College officially opened in July of 2011. Students in the licensed practical nursing, registered nursing, and LPN to RN programs utilize the lab. It is also available for community training programs.
Photo: (Back row, L to R) Patti Finn, CEO of Fulton County Health Center; Paul Siebenmorgen, president of Farmers and Merchants State Bank; Cindy and Joe Krueger, in memory of Jean Cox; Jason Rickenberg, representing friends and employees of NSCC; and Peter Beck, chair of the NSCC Foundation (Front row, L to R) Tom and Bonnie Stuckey; Kim Bordenkircher, CEO of Henry County Hospital; and Dr. Jason Row, Parkview Physicians Group