As part of the Superintendent’s report at the March 23rd meeting of the Archbold Board of Education, members learned of the school district plans during the extended shutdown ordered by Governor Mike DeWine in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
All Archbold Area School buildings and offices will be closed to non-essential employees from 3:00pm on March 13th through April 3rd as of now. Phone lines will not be monitored during this time. All communications and announcements will come through the district website or the One Call notification system.
All students in grades K-12 will begin their first assignments on Monday, March 30th. The remainder of that week will be coordinating instructional materials, technology, and meals with each building, food service, and transportation department.
The district is currently planning for the distribution of meals for students who qualify for free and reduced lunches beginning on Wednesday March 25th. The process will be in collaboration with the transportation staff and food service staff who are eager to help in any way they can.
All information will be posted on the school website and updated as frequent as necessary.
Superintendent Selgo also shared with the Board a recent conversation he had with Archbold Police Chief Leo Wixom. The Chief expressed how valuable the School Resource Officer proved to be in helping gather information on a missing student.
In closing, Selgo stated the recently completed sale of RECs, also known as green certificates to STX Commodities in relation to the wind turbine. The total sold was 4,056 RECs at $9.05 for a total of $36, 706.80
In regular business, the Board approved the minutes for the February 10th, 2020 meeting, February 2020 Financial Reports, approved the minutes from the March 6th, 2020 Special Meeting, and approved the minutes of the emergency meeting held on March 12th, 2020.
Also approved by the Board was: an overnight trip for the Middle School 8th graders to Washington D.C. from April 29th-May 2nd, 2021; Andrea Stevens to the Archbold Community Library for a 7-year term effective January 1, 2020; an agreement for 2020-2021 with NWOESC for instructional services; a fund transfer of $14,611.13 from General Fund to Turbine Maintenance 003-9001.
The following donations were approved: $1,750 to the football program from anonymous donors; $25.00 from the Class of 1966, Michael Schlatter Memorial to the Art Club; $500 from Rivello Archbold McDonald’s to the school district.
The Board authorized the distribution of proceeds from the high school concessions account to the following student activity accounts and organizations: NHS-$243.75; Athletic Boosters-$975.00; Student Council-$731.25; FCCLA-$975.00; After Prom Committee-$4,143.75; Girl’s Soccer Program- $1,462.50; High School Art Club-$731.25; Varsity Cheerleaders-$1,950.00; Archbold Football Club-$975.00; Class of 2021-$2,925.00; Physics-$975.00; Athletic Department-$3,331.25; High School Principal Fund-$1,218.75; Spanish Club-$975.00; GBK Program-$853.13 Choir-$243.75; BBK Program-$365.62; Football Program-$1,706.25; Wrestling Program-$243.75; Softball Program $975.00.
Before adjourning, the Board also gave their approval for: a contract with TSA Consulting Group, Inc. for services to restate the Archbold Area School District’s 403(b) Plan Document; for the Superintendent to solicit bids for the purchase of a school bus; a contract for Brenda Beck as summer school tutor for a total of 30-60 hours for summer 2020; advancing a maximum of five (5) days of vacation leave from the 2020-2021 contract year to Justin Dominique, in the event of resignation of employment, days to be repaid at per diem rate. one-year supplemental contracts for the 2020-21 school year; suspended the April 3, 2020 pay for Spring Musical Contracts to Chelsey Smith and Courtney Froelich due to the Coronavirus School Closure; approved Norm Beck as a volunteer football assistant coach for the 2020-21 school year.