NEW LOOK … Village council holds its first meeting in new chambers.
By: Amy Wendt
After over a year of holding meetings at the Scout Cabin in Ruihley Park, Archbold Village Council was finally able to convene at its remodeled chambers within the municipal building.
Councilors Gary Dominique, Vaughn Bentz, Kevin Eicher, Aaron Babcock, Chad Kern, and Karla Ball were present while Village Administrator Aaron Alt and Mayor Brad Grime were also seated at the new table.
Addressing routine matters, council approved minutes from its September 16 meeting, the payment of $685,028.08 in bills and payroll, and the September 2024 financial reports and bank reconciliation.
Heard for its second reading was Ordinance 2024-43 which consolidates the Board of Zoning Appeals and Planning Commission. According to Village Administrator Alt, no public feedback had been received following the legislation’s first reading in September.
Council President Karla Ball suggested that since no public input had been received, and the matter was largely administrative, a third reading might not be necessary.
Council agreed, and Ms. Ball moved to suspend the rules, waiving the requirement for a third reading. The ordinance was then approved by Council.
In departmental reports, two HR updates from Parks and Recreation were before Council. The first detailed the promotion of Jared Kidder to Parks Maintenance Laborer II, while the second report addressed the hiring of Gavin Grime as Parks Maintenance Laborer I.
Alt then spoke on the September 2024 Income Tax Report highlighting that year-to-date withholdings have increased by 3.6% compared to last year. Total income tax collections show a 9.76% rise over the same period.
Other items before council for review included the September 2024 Police Department Calls for Service, Fire & EMS Call Response, Street Department Labor & Fleet Report, and Park Board meeting minutes.
The Third Quarter Engineering Status Report which outlined several ongoing village projects, noted the completion of the sanitary sewer project that began in 2022 and the splash pad project that was finished earlier this year.
The municipal building renovation is 95% complete, with remaining tasks including hydroseeding, irrigation, and security camera installation.
Looking at 2024, the West Mechanic Street and J&S Concrete projects have been fully completed. On the other hand, the West Barre Road project and work on the reservoir wetlands are at 25% completion.
The next Archbold Village Council meeting is slated for Monday, October 21, 2024, at council chambers in the municipal building.