By: Daniel Cooley
The Village of Blakeslee’s May 11 council meeting began with the call to order. All six council members, Robert Mohre, Rosemary Alexander Thiel, Cletus Radabaugh, Eric Jenkins, Shelly Cox and Nick Reed, were in attendance.
In the first order of business, council approved the April meeting minutes.
Next, council reviewed and signed the monthly financial reports. Fiscal Officer Courtny Osborn presented the receipts at $2,491.01 and payments at $299.02.
Then, Resolution 2-2023 was passed for the Williams County Auditor to accept the amounts and rates that were determined by the Budget Commission.
The village is now preparing for renewal of 5 mil for the Police Levy, for the 2023 general election.
All garbage bills have been paid, except for one house which has no one living in it at the moment so that house will be exempt.
Police Chief Randy Mohre has approached the resident of the house at mowing the lawn and keeping it picked up and will continue to do so.
Another house on Washington Street needs the lawn mowed. Cox will approach him to see if he is able to mow the lawn before further action is taken.
Mayor Reynolds contacted the Game Warden after a fox was spotted in the village. Though no one has recently seen the fox, if the village would like to get a trap to capture the fox, the Game Warden can help.
Jenkins spoke to Bailey Green about getting a sign for an autistic child, who resides in the village.
Reynolds said that he will speak to Edgerton Mayor Bob Day, to see if he has a sign that can be placed in Blakeslee. If not, Reynolds will find out what the proper procedure is, to get one.
Bob Mohre has a pothole in front of his driveway, on the state highway. Reynolds will contact the state to see if they can come to the village to patch it, as well as putting in some tile that has been needing to be installed.
There is a vulgar sign within the village, regarding political beliefs. Radabaugh would like council to look into seeing if it can be removed.
Osborn will contact the prosecutor to see if the village has the right to remove the sign.
Radabaugh also stated that some street signs are starting to fade. As a result, the village may need to look into either replacing them or cleaning them. Reynolds said he will look into it.
Council decided that the next council meeting will occur on June 8, at 6 p.m. Council then voted to adjourn the meeting.
Dan can be reached at