By: Daniel Cooley
The Blakeslee Village Council meeting held on June 8 began with Mayor Cody Reynolds calling the meeting to order.
Five council members, Robert Mohre, Rosemary Alexander Thiel, Cletus Radabaugh, Eric Jenkins, and Shelly Cox were in attendance.
In the first order of business, council approved the meeting minutes from the previous meeting held on May 11.
Council then approved the monthly financial reports, as presented by Fiscal Officer Courtny Osborn, Receipts were $2.219.30 and payments were listed as $2,791.30.
That was followed by council approving of the resolution of necessity, Resolution 3-2023. This resolution is the renewal of the 5 mil police levy for the 2023 general election.
Osborn stated that there is one more garbage bill that needs to be sent, to Tammy Mohre. Her bill was overlooked in the original mailing and Osborn said that the bill will be sent out today (Friday).
Next, Cox stated that the resident who needed to mow his lawn was approached, and the lawn has been mowed.
Mayor Reynolds stated that the fox’s den has been located and Reynolds said that he will once again contact the game warden. Thiel was notified of the location of the den.
Next, Reynolds said that the signs for the autistic child have been delivered to Bailey Green and will be put up soon.
Reynolds then stated that he will contact the state about fixing the pothole that is located in front of Rebert Mohre’s driveway on State Route 34.
Reynolds said that the previous request for the state to fix the tile within the village has been completed.
Next, Osborn said that because of the no zoning law, the alleged vulgar political sign within the village, cannot be removed by the village council.
The next regular council meeting will be held on July 6, at 6 p.m. With no further business, council then voted to adjourn the meeting.
Dan can be reached at