SWORN IN … Nick Reed was sworn in during the meeting on Wednesday, February 5th.
By: Renea Kessler
Blakeslee Village Council met on Wednesday, February 5th at 6:00 p.m. To start off the meeting, council member Nick Reed was sworn in with a term ending on December 31, 2025. At that time, Reed can either rerun or be appointed the chair by council.
The village is giving the residents another week for garbage payments before they send out a second notice to those who still need to pay.
Property taxes were brought up as council wanted to know how much the village receives from the taxes. It was determined that the village does not get much, and people pay more in taxes than what the village gets.
The clerk gave her report of $7,795.78 in receipts and $2,045.76 in payments. The village is looking at April 26th as a spring clean-up date to coincide with Edon’s spring clean-up.
Lastly, issues with the streetlights were discussed. The village has been having issues with some lights coming on and off and not properly working.
Toledo Edison came out but stated that the lights were working when they checked. Council has decided to call them back out to look again.
To get bulbs replaced in any of the streetlights, it would cost the village $250-300 a bulb, with approximately 16 streetlights to change.
With nothing further, the meeting adjourned at 6:16 p.m.