By: LeAnn Childress
The Bryan Downtown Development Group presented their plan for the issue of vacant storefronts (ground-level) resolution in the city of Bryan. To vitalize the aesthetics of the community the proposed ordinance would set a series of timelines, that are motivated by fees, to ensure that property owners are actively pursuing tenants for their vacant storefronts.
Some exemptions may be available should the owner be taking active steps in remodeling or advertising to rent/sell the space. Should nothing be done after the initial 90-day exemption period then a $200 registration fee would be due.
If active steps are being done, by the owner, another 90-day exemption may be applied for extending the process for filling the storefront. Each consecutive year that the storefront remains vacant the fee will double to a maximum fee of $6400.
Councilman Betts voiced concerns that the rules could be too stringent and restrictive, making it difficult to attract renters while placing an additional financial burden on the property owner.
Councilwoman Judy Yahraus mentioned a time where many people could be seen downtown Bryan walking the square, eating popcorn while enjoying the beauty of the town, hoping that someday this would become a norm again.
All sides agreed that the vacant storefront issue needs to be addressed. However, after diligent questioning from the council, it was decided to shelve the ordinance until future discussions and refinements are made to ensure that the plan benefits the owner without too much added financial burden and still provides the motivation to occupy the space.
Vacant Storefronts/Building Ordinance: To ensure storefronts/buildings are utilized.
The plan was purposed as follows by the Bryan Development Corp:
1. The vacant structure receives a certified letter to register.
a. 30 days to return the registration form.
b. 90 days to get business in compliance.
c. Advertise available structure = 90-day exemption
d. Submit remodeling plan = exemption TBD
2. After 90 days and/or exemption, a $200 registration fee is due.
3. When the structure is occupied, notify the Engineering Department.
a. Occupied for 90 days, structure removed from the registry.
b. Vacated before 90 days, remains on the registry.
4. After one full year on registry and nothings has been done a registration fee of $800 will be due.
a. Fee doubles for each consecutive year up to a maximum of $6400 per year.
Unemployment Fraud
Mayor Schlade wants the public to be aware that there is a process when filing a claim regarding unemployment fraud.
It has been mistakenly put out that filing a claim through the local police department was the first step in the process which is not the case.

The local police department cannot assist with unemployment fraud because it will not be accepted per state government policy. If the public calls the City of Bryan they can give you the website where you can find the proper forms.
Tax filing deadline extended. Bryan city taxes has followed the federal filing guidelines and has extended the filing date to May 17th.
The following Resolutions were approved: Agenda Item 6. A resolution suspending the designated outdoor refreshment area (DORA) for downtown for the 2021 Bryan Jubilee – Approved
Agenda Item 7. ODOT Road Salt Contract – Approved
Agenda Item 8. A resolution authorizing the clerk/treasurer to advertise for bids for the project known as “2021” Avenue A area Sanitary Improvements – Approved
Agenda Item 9. A resolution authorizing the clerk/treasurer to advertise for bids for the project known as “2021” Brunicardi Way Pavement Overlay and Repairs – Approved

Agenda Item 10. A resolution authorizing the clerk/treasurer to advertise for bids for the project known as Bryan Senior Center parking lot improvement – Approved.
Agenda Item 11. A resolution authorizing the Fire Chief of the City of Bryan to apply for grants for the City of Bryan Fire Department – Approved
LeAnn can be reached at