By: Rex Stump
Living for Jesus will set you apart from everyone else! Christianity should affect us, the people around us, our community…and even the economy!
Check out this story from Acts 19. Paul has been preaching the Good News for a long time, and the people are discovering the power of God.
In verse 19 we read, “And a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. They counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver.”
Suddenly those involved in what seemed to be innocent practices were shaken with the reality that what they were doing was connected to an evil demonic world.
The city responded by confessing and by burning their sorcery and magic books. The value of these books today has been estimated at five million dollars.
They witnessed how evil was real, and they chose to purge themselves of anything demonic. We should ask, “Are there books, images, charms, games, or anything that might have a connection with demonic spirits?” If so, get rid of them. Destroy them, don’t donate, or stick them in a garage sale.
When you surrender completely, repenting and getting rid of sinful actions and habits…revival takes place! Verse 20 says, So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.
But as we often discover, a great revival is followed by a great opposition! Here’s the situation, Ephesus was host to the temple to Diana (known as Artemis).
Diana was the goddess of fertility, a sex goddess, and prostitution in her temple was incredibly popular and accepted. The idols from her temple were a substantial trade.
But through the consistent preaching of Paul and his companions, a spiritual revival took place, and lives were being changed. Praise God!
No longer were people worshipping Diana, nor buying her false idols, from the idol makers. The money flow stopped!
Point of truth; Christians with hearts surrendered to God, will live different from the world. The styles of clothing purchased, the movies we view, the music we listen to, the places we hang out…no longer receive our money. A changed lifestyle immediately affects the immoral businesses in this world.
Demetrius, a cunning businessman was worried about his profits! He tried to turn the businessmen against Paul.
What was Paul doing? Paul was not trying to close the temple; he was simply telling people about Jesus. As people came to Jesus, they naturally stopped worshipping Diana and buying idols.
“At this their anger boiled, and they began shouting, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” Soon the whole city was filled with confusion. Everyone rushed to the amphitheater, dragging along Gaius and Aristarchus, who were Paul’s traveling companions from Macedonia. (vs.28-29)
An amphitheater that held 25,000 people (larger than the Chicago Bulls United Center) became packed with shouting people. Meanwhile two Christians stood on the floor, while the massive crowd shouted at them for two hours! Can you imagine!
The deafening noise, the fear of being killed! Do you think Gaius and Aristarchus expected this? Sometimes we think living for Jesus should bring us rewards, right?
The mayor of the city stepped up and dismissed the crowd. God used this man to calm the mob and end the immediate threat to Paul and the other Christians. God had preserved His work, and His people, again.
Is our faith that potent that it could cause an uproar? Could our faith be so strong that a riot would break out? Is our faith so real, that it’s changing the economy and culture? If not…maybe it’s time to do a heart check and ask God His Spirit to awaken our soul.
Rex Stump is the Area Director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and serves as a Pastor at True North Church in Wauseon, Ohio.