EAGLES … Pictured during the presentation are Lori Richard, Amy Smigelski, Valarie Persinger, Kathy Phillips, Marty Friess, Caroline Lammers, Kristy Cowden, Sandy Graham, Tarilynn Zolman, Josh Heinemann.
By: Jacob Kessler
DELTA – Grant money was presented by the Ohio Auxiliary Eagles and the Delta Eagles to four different local organizations. These organizations were the New Horizons Academy, Special Grounds Coffee, Sunshine Communities, and the Fulton County Senior Pickleball organization.
A total of $5,000.00 was given to each of the organizations through the Eagles grant process. The Fulton County Senior Pickleball organization is a group of seniors who play pickleball in Wauseon.
Normally, the group plays outdoors at Homecoming Park but, at times weather is a factor. When the weather is not as nice out, the seniors have been playing at the old Racquet Club building on Ottokee Street in Wauseon.
This building is currently under the supervision of Triangular Processing and has been allowing the seniors to reserve times on the courts.
Seniors have been playing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. until everyone gets tired. Money obtained through the Eagles organization will be used to obtain new nets for the indoor court and new balls.
As for the additional organizations, the money granted to the New Horizons Academy and Special Grounds Coffee will be used to help fund their educational programs.
Additionally, an indoor playground area and roof for the courtyard are being looked at. Money given to Sunshine Communities will be used for an adaptive playground for the children there.
Sunshine Communities is located in Maumee and helps to provide support for individuals with developmental disabilities of all ages in Northwest Ohio.