COUNCIL … Council discusses possible electrical work to be done at the village park and school sports complex. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Delta Village Council held their meeting on Monday, March 6th. The meeting began at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer before council moved to approve the minutes from the February 20th meeting. Hearing of the public took place next with John Henricks coming up to speak.
Mr. Henricks spoke to council regarding campers and trailers being parked on lots. He stated that it is not possible for him to get his unit into the back yard and that it is not parked there.
Village Administrator Peebles explained to Mr. Henricks and council that there is a process that can be followed that will make it possible for Mr. Henricks, and anyone else with this similar issue, to obtain a variance.
Moving on to correspondence, it was stated that a draft of the annual letter to be mailed out to residents was made.
Mr. Peebles was asked to add the meeting schedules onto the letter. Mr. Peebles then began to hand out pictures to the members of council.
He explained that the village has been working with the school regarding electricity at the park and the at the football field.
The way the wiring is routed could potentially be causing the village to pay for some of the power at the sports complex.
With the school wanting to put in a new lighting system at the field, a new electrical system with new panels will need to be installed.
An estimated cost for these new systems is set at around $248,000. No bids have yet been received from any companies for this.
Once bids have been received for the project, it is believed half of the total will need to be paid by the village. That will most likely be around $125,000 that is not currently in the budget.
council then moved to approve a list of invoices as requested from the finance director.
The police chief then informed council that the bank robbery suspect was able to be arrested and that he has since confessed to the robberies.
Matters of legislation were discussed next. Resolution 22-17, which was previously tabled, was taken off the table.

The resolution was to authorize the mayor to execute an agreement for economic development services for the Village of Delta.
In a letter provided following the meeting states, “Given the status of administrators position coupled with the fact that I am no longer interested in serving in such a capacity, this legislation needs to be disposed of.”
Council moved to take a vote on the matter, and with it only receiving one motion to vote, the matter at hand was dead. The following legislation items were then approved.
The third reading for Resolution 23-04 authorizing the village administrator to advertise, accept bids and execute contracts for the resurfacing of Hawthorn Drive and Portions of Taylor Street.
The second reading for Resolution 23-05 declaring it necessary to replace an existing tax levy for recreational purposes pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 5705.19(H) and 5705.25 and requesting the auditor to certify the amount of revenue to be generated by the proposed levy replacement.
The first reading (with emergency provisions) of Resolution 23-06 authorizing the village administrator to execute an agreement for the purchase of electric generation for village facilities and declaring an emergency.

The first reading of Resolution 23-07 authorizing the village administrator to negotiate an execute a property lease with Bright Net North allowing the continued use of village property for a communications tower.
With no further business to attend to, council moved to adjourn from the meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Jacob can be reached at