As part of the November 16, 2020 Edgerton School Board meeting, seventeen students were commended for being chosen to be in the National Honor Society. Marien Colonel Bradley Weisz was a guest and virtual speaker for the meeting in honor of Veterans Day.
The Board voted to approve the following recommendations of Superintendent Kermit Riehle:
- NEOLA policies after 2nd Reading
- First Quarter Honor Roll for Grades 7-8, Grades 9-12 and Four County Career Center
- Purchase service agreement with Edon NW Schools for attendance officer, Gale Horn for 20-21 school year
- 20-21 Winter Sports Operations Plan for COVID- 19
- ELS COVID-19 Blended Learning Plan for 20-21
- Supplemental Contracts, volunteers and chaperones: Greg Jennings JH Track; Jill Hamblin JH BB Cheerleader and Adam Keppeler AD Track
- Cindy Slattery as substitute Bus driver for 20-21
- Resignation of Jenny Hanson as Substitute teacher effective 11/13/2020
The Superintendent updated the BoE on the following items:
“Enrollment – Enrollment is still holding steady at 581. I’ve had a couple more requests from families to pull their kids from face to face instruction and enroll their children in NOVA due to the concern over COVID.
Bus Route attendance – Weekly bus riders remain low so I’m transitioning from 5 routes to 4 when we return from Thanksgiving Break.
Combining Classes in JH/HS – The decision to gather students in the HS Gym when we couldn’t cover everyone’s classrooms worked very well and will continue to be an option going forward if I decide we need to go that route. When possible, I’ll no longer cover teachers with teachers…just too costly for the district.
COVID-19 Update – Discussed the latest challenges and data with the BOE members and plans going forward with face to face, online, and blended instruction.” The district has had 91 total covid tests, 25 positive, 78 Dr. Referals and 17 Total Recovered.