PROGRAM UNDERWAY … Edgerton Police Chief Gary Plotts, left and Edgerton Police Chaplain Byron Adams, right, hold up the DARE t-shirt that is being given out to kids in the Edgerton Schools. The t-shirt states “DARE to resist drugs and violence.” (PHOTO BY DANIEL COOLEY, STAFF)
By: Daniel Cooley
The Village of Edgerton’s February 7 council meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a prayer from Mayor Robert Day.
Five council members, Jason Gruver, Chuck Wallace, Leslie VanAusdale, Pam Wampler and Lance Bowsher were in attendance.
In the first order of business, council approved of the meeting minutes from the previous January 17 meeting.
Council also approved of the meeting minutes from the special council meeting, held on January 31.
Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles reminded everyone that there will be the annual recycle day on April 8. The large trash dropoff day will take place on April 15.
Fitzcharles also said that the refuse contract with Republic will expire on June 30, 2023 and she recommends that the village stay with Republic.
In the fiscal officer report, Denise Knecht said that last year’s financial report is in process for review, and she will have a report by the end of the month.
Police Chief Gary Plotts stated that the DARE Program has started in the Edgerton Schools this past Friday.
The program will be 10-12 weeks and Plotts said that everyone seems to be excited that the program is back. He stated that DARE is a good outreach for law enforcement.
Also, Plotts checked with Apryl McClaine and was able to receive two new portable radios, saving the police department $7,000.
In the park board update, Fitzcharles stated that Chris Sanchez is a new member to the park board.
Discussed at the meeting was placement of new benches in Gerhart Park. Also, Stan Tipton finalized an 18-hole disc golf course for Miller Park.
In resolutions and ordinances, council approved the resignation of a part-time water/sewer operator.
Next, council approved a two-year option for a refuse contract with Republic Service, from July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025.
That was followed by council approving an agreement with Ice Miller, an environmental law firm, for the Edgerton Metals Project.
Village council then approved an application for placement of farmland in an agricultural district.
The application came from John Radabaugh, who is required to put in a new application every five years.
Next, council approved the first reading of Ordinance 1116. This ordinance will approve the execution of a schedule with American Municipal Power, granting participation in the community energy smart thermostat savings program.
Council then moved into executive session.
Dan can be reached at