JUNIOR FIREFIGHTERS Deputy Fire Chief Bob Adkis new junior firefighters Matthew Sinclair and Shaun Murphy and Mayor Day posed together for a photo in remembrance of the first two members of the new Edgerton junior firefighter program
By: Anna Wozniak
The Edgerton Village Council met a little early on Wednesday, January 17, in order to hold their records committee meeting.
This meeting saw the approval of the village’s most recent records retention schedule, which included the submission of two records for destruction (one being from 2016 and the other regarding the police).
The 2023 records are in the process of being boxed up and will be stored in the records room in preparation for the next village audit.
The regular council session began at 5:30 p.m., and present were Mayor Robert Day, Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles, Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht, and Administrative Assistant Amanda Knecht alongside council members Sharon Blinzler, Jason Gruver, Lance Bowsher, Leslie VanAusdale, and Pam Wampler. Councilor Chuck Wallace was absent for the meeting.
The minutes from their January 3, 2024 meeting were accepted as presented before Mayor Day began giving his 2024 State of the Village Address.
Fitzcharles shared that large trash pickup will be April 13, 2024, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The mayor reminded residents that they may put out one large item every fourth Friday, and council reminds residents to call the trash company ahead of pacing large items out for pickup.
Fitzcharles then moved on to elaborate the GIS project that has begun, stating that the systemic update should be finished in the next 4-6 weeks.
The surveys completed for the first phase of this project will also be useful in future projects regarding the wells and water treatment plant.
Projects from 2024 have started nicely, with the few remaining projects from 2023 slated to be completed once weather allows.
Denise Knecht shared the new credit card policy, as well as the credit card statements through January 15, 2024.
The village offices have been hard at work with taxation paperwork, and Denise was happy to share that they are on track for taxation forms this year.
Police Chief Ken Jacob was then promoted off probationary status, and Matthew Sinclair and Shaun Murphy were welcomed to their new junior firefighter positions.
Council then accepted a grant agreement with Natureworks for the Miller Park Disc Golf Course, as well as gave permission for an invoice from the Brownfield Remediation Project to be paid.
It was after this motion that the fiscal officer asked for a motion to approve the bills, which was carried unanimously.

A motion then approved the village’s LPA Federal ODOT-LET Project Agreement, which will see various pedestrian safety improvements happening nearer to 2026 – 2027.
A resolution then approved appropriations to the 2024 budget, and another resolution approved the payment and repayment acceptance of reimbursable funds.
Councilor Blinzler shared how great the roads looked despite the snow, and councilor Wampler shared that there were compliments on the roads from Oak Street residents as well before council voted to enter executive session, set to meet next on February 7, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.