By: James Pruitt
Superintendent John Granger informed the Edon Northwest Board of Education July 12 new teacher orientation will be scheduled individually with the district’s two new teachers.
The board approved Becky Ater as school secretary on a two-year contract beginning Aug. 1.
The board approved the hiring of Kathryn Cook as a cook on a one-year contract beginning Aug. 16. She was one of 17 applicants.
The board hired Austin Thiel as custodian on a one-year contract beginning Aug. 1. He was one of three people to apply for the position.
The board accepted two donations:
$50 from Ralph and Shelia Jones for the Memorial Tree Replacement
$337.50 from Summer Softball for the Softball fund.
For buildings and grounds:
The re-surfacing work at the track has been completed and Granger said he is very pleased with the results.
Thiel Construction will begin work on the concrete project at the northwest entrance within the next two weeks.
The maintenance staff has finished painting the bus barn. The building was primed and then given one coat of white paint. Interior painting of the school has been limited due to the absence of one of the custodians.
The summer cleaning crew is making excellent progress preparing for the 2016-17 school year.
James Pruitt may be reached at