MEETING BUSINESS … Edon Board of Education members look over copies of agenda items.
By: India Kenner
The Edon Board of Education met Monday, March 10, at 5:30 p.m. for a regular Board meeting. Board members present were Cody Best (president), Jamie Schaffter (vice president), Patty Eicher, Ashley Reed, and David Wehrle.
Also in attendance were Superintendent Anthony Stevens, K-6 Principal Jennifer Ripke (who was absent attending awards), and 7-12 Principal Kayla Lapham.
After the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll call, there was recognition of visitors; none were present.
The board resumed the meeting and approved the minutes and consent agenda from the February 10th regular meeting and the February financial reports.
The board also approved February donations and Superintendent Stevens commented that the donations were greatly appreciated.
The board also approved the NWOESC substitute teacher and paraprofessional list, the motion to consent to agenda items and the amended certificate from the county auditor.
For reports to the board, high school principal Kayla Lapham was absent due to attending the Franklin B. Walter scholarship awards ceremony.
Speaking on Lapham’s behalf, superintendent Stevens presented her report pointing out notable high school events including the upcoming mock crash scheduled for April 2nd. He also shared that FFA Week was successful and the senior retreat went well.
Elementary principal Jennifer Ripke talked about the activities that took place for Dr. Seuss Day and the implementation of a new curriculum, Reveal Math.
Superintendent Anthony Stevens said that enrollment numbers were about the same at 552. School Resource Officer (SRO) Monica Goebel completed her training and is set up and ready for her job duties, and cafeteria employee Jenna Gerken is doing well in her new role.
For action items, the board addressed a contract with Northwest Ohio Educational Center for 2025-2026 with fees to be deducted from the foundation payments. The motion for approval was made by Schaffter and seconded by Eicher.
The board approved several action items during its meeting. Supplemental contracts for the 2024-2025 school year were approved pending successful completion of requirements.
The board also approved up to five additional hours of piano accompanying services for special contests and events, as needed and approved by the Superintendent.

A first reading of the 2026-2027 school calendar was heard. A previous resolution adopting the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce model policies, approved on February 10, 2025, was rescinded, and the board adopted a resolution to approve the department’s special education model policies and procedures with slight modifications.
The action items were approved by Reed and seconded by Schaffter.
The board meeting adjourned at 6:01 pm to enter into executive session. The next Edon Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 7, 2025, at 5:30 p.m.