MEETING DETAILS … Austin Thiel, Mayor Duane Thiel, Lee Lawrence and Dan Ankney discuss the upcoming zoning meeting on March 17th.
By: India Kenner
The Edon Village Council met on February 10th at 7 p.m. Council members David Loughborough, Jeff Pease, Austin Thiel, Lee Lawrence, Dan Ankney, Brian Shaffer, Mayor Duane Thiel, Village Administrator Chad Ordway, and Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell were present. A few community members were also in attendance.
Mayor Duane Thiel called the meeting to order promptly at 7 pm after the Pledge of Allegiance. The mayor asked the council if they read over the meeting minutes, financial reports, and bills and asked for a motion to approve. Shaffer made the motion to approve, and it was seconded by Ankney.
Next on the agenda was the reading of communications. Mayor Thiel commented that there is a public zoning meeting on March 17th at 6:30 p.m. followed by a village council meeting at 7 pm and the Spring Trash pickup is on April 26th.
The committee reports nothing new for safety or park. For the cemetery committee, when the weather breaks, cleanup will happen. Lawrence commented that finance meetings will be set up for March.
For the zoning committee, Chad Ordway commented that during the public zoning meeting the zoning maps will be available for residents to look over and ask questions.
Ordway also talked about upcoming projects for 2025 which included sidewalk replacements and a water tower cleanout.
The Edon Village Council meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. The next village council meeting will be held March 17th at 7 p.m.