By: Bill O’Connell
Evergreen Schools approved an arrangement with Metamora State Bank to install an ATM at the school.
In other news:
Superintendent Jim Wyse presented the following:
*a letter of resignation from Ms. Sandra Fischer as Bus Driver (action item)
*a letter from the Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc., commending MS Science Teacher Kelsey Wulf, for being one of 50 teachers chosen for the Be E3 Smart Program that benefits the school, students, and their families by developing energy conservation strategies.
Metamora Bank representative Kate Fischer presented information on the ATM project.
*Approved the following Title Fund reallocations for FY16, and to amend resources and modify appropriations accordingly.
*Increase Title III LEP (551-9016) – $94.62
*Increase Title I (572-9016) – $673.60
*Decrease Title II-A (590-9016) – ($65.58)
*Approved the following appropriation modifications:
*Increase capitalized equipment-Mte. – $20,000
*Increased Athletic Dept. Fees by d $4,000
*Increased Athletic Dept. Supplies $6,000
*Accepted the following donations:
*$750 from the Southfield Arbor Gleaners to Evergreen Elementary General Activity Fund for Right to Read Week activities.
*$100 anonymous donation to the Student Assistance Fund.
*$750 from Robert Tripp to the Tripp Family Scholarship Fund.
*Approved a revised Auxiliary Services Agreement with the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West for the 2015-16 school year for services of Auxiliary Services personnel for the benefit of Holy Trinity School.
*Accepted the resignation of bus driver Sandra Fischer. Fischer’s resignation will become effective June 1, and her services will be missed.
*Approved the employment of Debra Slee as a non-teaching, 4-hour employee (Step 0 – Driver), effective at the beginning of the 2016 –17 school year.
All work assignments will be made by the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee, with Slee to be assigned as a bus driver. All other pay and benefits will be according to Board adopted policy.
*Offered the following supplemental contract to be paid from the General Fund for the 2015 –16 school year:
Robert Hoff, instrumental for spring musical ($250)
*Authorized the treasurer to advertise for asphalt bids for repair, replacement and new pavement and to set the date, time and place of the bid opening.
*Approved a five-year lease agreement with Metamora State Bank that provides for site improvements and the installation of an ATM machine.
Under discussion and information items, the board discussed levy renewal options.
The next regular board meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday May 9 in the Loren Pennington Learning Center.
Bill O’Connell may be reached at