Twenty students from Four County Career Center received All-State Top Five honors in their respective divisions at the 2024 Business Professionals of America (BPA) State Leadership Conference in Columbus and have qualified to represent the State of Ohio at the 2024 National BPA Leadership Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
Students who received All-State Top honors include (FRONT – LEFT TO RIGHT) Madison Youngquist (Archbold) Fundamental Word Processing; Kaitlin Wood (Archbold) Basic Office Systems & Procedures; Gwen Oxender (North Central) Advanced Word Processing.
(CENTER – LEFT TO RIGHT) Andrew Wiseman (Napoleon) Mobile Application Programming; Kyle Hageman (Archbold) C# Programming & Software Engineering Team; Jackie Merritt (Wauseon) Network Design Team; Cody Hoffman (Fairview) Network Design Team; Shannon Spires (Hilltop) Network Design Tam; Ramon Mendez (Defiance) Network Design Team; Connor Westrick (Defiance) Network Design Team.
(BACK – LEFT TO RIGHT) Ryan Street (Bryan) Advanced Accounting; Blake Grime (Archbold) Software Engineering Team; Andrew Mosier (Fairview) Software Engineering Team; Connor Glisson (Liberty Center) Python Programming; Joseph Wymer (Liberty Center) Linux Operating System Fundamentals; Cory Mavis (Fairview) Software Engineering Team; and Ethan Winger (Fairview) Server Administration Using Microsoft. Absent from the photo are Marcus Jones, Jr. (Tinora) SQL Database Fundamentals; Andrew Richardson (Tinora) Network Design Team; and Caden Stover (Napoleon) Network Design Team.
The national qualifiers will be a part of the 2024 Business Professionals of America Leadership Conference “Seize the Opportunity” from May 10-14, 2024 in Chicago.
Thousands of students from across the country will gather there to compete, showcase their business aptitudes and develop leadership skills.
The National Leadership Conference is the culmination of the BPA year filled with hard work and dedication put into competitions, Torch Awards, leadership development, service and more.
Activities will include general sessions with keynote speakers, business meetings, leadership workshops, contests, and the election of national officers. Four County Career Center BPA advisors are Mary Jo Beilharz, Matt Geiger, Tim Ricketts; and Tina Short.