The seniors at Four County Career Center’s Early Childhood Education class recently held Preschool Graduation for children enrolled during the 2022-2023 school year.
The children performed favorite songs learned throughout the school year for parents and grandparents in attendance.
Shown above at the graduation are Preschoolers (FRONT – LEFT TO RIGHT) Carolyn Blue (Holgate); Lawson Scarberry (Liberty Center); Mark Helberg (Napoleon); Charlie Retschler (Liberty Center); Reggie Bostater (Delta); Wren Fisher (Napoleon); Oliver Berteau (Edon); Brynn Boyer (Wauseon).
(BACK – LEFT TO RIGHT) Katelyn Metz, Preschool Aide; Bud Schroeder (Defiance); Aubree Ferry (Stryker); Hazley Reed (Napoleon); Jennifer Hutchison, Educational Aide; and Brenex Baden (Ridgeville Corners).
The Preschool Center is operated in association with the Early Childhood Education program for juniors and seniors as a part of their lab experience. Supervising the students is instructor, Susan Myers, and Preschool Aides Katelyn Metz and Jennifer Hutchison. (PRESS RELEASE / THE VILLAGE REPORTER)