The August Meeting of the Four County Career Center Board of Education was held on Thursday, August 19, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. Prior to the regular meeting, a Records Commission Meeting was held at 6:15 p.m.
As part of the Treasurer’s Report, the Board approved:
•July Meeting Minutes.
•Financial statements and investments for the month of July as presented.
•Appropriation Modifications as presented.
•Then and Now Certifications as presented.
•Advance funds from the General Fund.
•Ratify the 2021-22 Cyber Insurance coverage.
As part of the Superintendent’s Report, the board accepted and/or approved the following items:
•The resignation of Brandy Breen for the purpose of accepting the “Cook” position effective October 1, 2021.
•The retirements of Cindy Krass, effective September 30, 2021 and Nola White, effective July 31, 2021.
•The resignation of Morgan Weber’s supplemental contract as LPDC Member and Mentor for 2021-22.
•A one-year contract for Shawna Schroeder, “Intervention Specialist”.
•A one-year contract for Michelle Ohlrich, “Adult Education Secretary”.
•A one-year contract for Jill Holdgreve, “Educational Aide”.
•A one-year contract for Angie Pelland, “Assistant Cook”.
•Move Chelsea Redfox to the Master’s Column on the Salary Schedule.
•Move Steve Steingass to the BA150 Column on the Salary Schedule.
•Certified, Internal and Classified Substitutes for the 2021-22 school year.
•Lab/Lab Instructors for the 2021-22 school year.
•Instructors for the “Agriculture Education 5th Quarter Grant Program” for 2021-22.
•To pay new teachers on August 12, 2021 “New Teacher Day”.
•Michelle Rohrs as a member of the “LPDC Committee” for the 2021-22.
•Mentors and Independent Study Instructors for the 2021-22 school year.
•Unpaid leave of absence for Vicki Cameron and Regina Gallardo.
•Adult Education Instructors as presented.
•Cosmetology 2021-22 Customer Service Price List.
•Authorization to advertise for bids for the 2nd phase of the rooftop HVAC Unit Replacement Project.
•An Enterprise Zone acknowledgement, waiver, support and school donation agreement with AquaBounty Farms Ohio LLC.
The next scheduled meeting involving members of the Four County Career Center Board of Education will be the regular September Board of Education Meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 16, 2021 in the Board Room at Four County Career Center.