Eleven Four County Career Center students recently participated in the 25th Annual Northwest Ohio Student Leadership Conference held at Defiance College. In an effort to recognize the importance and encourage area high schools to work more closely together on leadership activities, students in leadership roles from 36 high schools in the six county area were asked to attend the day event. The keynote speaker for the day was Chris Bowers, a top speaker dedicated to the positive influence and motivation of students through the use of humor and story telling. Shown with Bowers are Career Center students (FRONT – LEFT TO RIGHT) Allison Buttermore (Fairview) Sports Fitness & Exercise Science; Taylor Rosebrook (Patrick Henry) Cosmetology; Veronica Valdez (Holgate) Sports Fitness & Exercise Science; Victoria Vasquez (Fairview) Hospitality Services; Jessica Vasquez (Fairview) Interior Design; (BACK – LEFT TO RIGHT) Alicia Herman (Edgerton) Agriculture/Diesel Mechanics; Jennifer Kowalis (Edon) Accounting & Business Management; Alexandria Durocher (Edon) Cosmetology; Bowers; Kylee Nickels (Hilltop) Medical Office Technology; Joel Brakefield (Pettisville) Software Design & Web Development; and Seth Nofziger (Delta) Powersport Engine Technology.
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