By: Jacob Kessler
The Fulton County Commissioners held their first meeting of the week on Tuesday, August 15th. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Minutes from the previous meeting held on August 10th were approved first along with approval of the current agenda and payment of the bills.
A review took place next regarding a closure notice for both Eastern and Western District Courts before moving to approve the following items.
– Resolution 2023-619 Increase & Transfer Appropriations for Various Department.
– Resolution 2023-620 Approve Amendment #1 to Contract 2019-98 with the City of Toledo to Allow for Temporary Water Supply for the Village of Swanton.
– Resolution 2023-621 Approve Payment Request #4 for Contract 2023-64 with Action Contractors for the New Fulton County Senior Center Project.
– Resolution 2023-622 Approve Contract 2023-116 with Criminal Justice Coordinating Council on Behalf of Fulton County Sheriff for NORIS Software.
– Resolution 2023-623 Approve Purchase Orders and Travel Requests.
Commissioners then moved to discuss the Fulton County Fair week schedule before issuing Resolution 2023-624 to cancel the session to be held on Thursday, September 7th.
Recess was then entered into at 9:06 a.m. with the meeting beginning again at 9:15 a.m. Roger Rice, Vince Davis and Darlene Stiner spoke to Commissioners regarding their issues with York Township and fire protection.
Commissioners were informed that these individuals, and others who live in the area, are having an issue with fire protection in the corridor that includes County Road A to County Road H and County Road 13 over to County Road 11.

Commissioners were also told that they have had issues getting their trustees to work with them on setting up a date to hold a meeting on the issue.
Multiple topics were touched on by Mr. Rice and Mr. Davis before Commissioner Jon Rupp explained to the group that the County Commissioners have no control over anything to do with fire in the county.
Commissioners Jeff Rupp and Joe Short also made comments to the group that stated there is nothing Commissioners would be able to do to help them with this matter.
“We are talking about this corridor here it is an issue, but it still is York Township, and they are responsible for it, so it does fall back to their jurisdiction. It is not Commissioner jurisdiction.”
“We are here willing to listen, and we will try to expedite any problems to try and help with communication, but it ultimately falls back to the township trustees,” said Commissioner Short.
Vince Davis then explained to the Commissioners that they understand, but that they would like to either change their jurisdiction, and or create another taxing entity.

Commissioner Jeff Rupp then stated the following. “Looking at the list of options you have here your annexation to Wauseon would have to be driven by Wauseon, your annexation to Clinton Township would have to be drive by Clinton Township, establishing a fire protection district I am not sure where that would originate or come from.”
Following additional discussions, and with no other business to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 9:47 a.m.
Commissioners then held their second meeting of the week on Thursday, August 17th. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with a bid opening for Elmira/Burlington Sanitary Force Main Relocation.
With only one bid being received, and the bid being over budget, the project will be sent back and may be once again put out for bid.
The Pledge of Allegiance was then observed, along with a prayer, before minutes were approved for the August 15th meeting, as well as the current agenda. The following items were then approved.
– Resolution 2023-627 Increase & Transfer Appropriations for Various Department.

– Resolution 2023-628 Approve Draw #10 for Administration and Demolition for CDBG Grant – B-F-21-1AX-1.
– Resolution 2023-629 Approve Payment Request #1 to Ward Construction for 2023 Seal Coat Program.
– Resolution 2023-630 Authorize Board President to Sign General Warranty Deed.
– Resolution 2023-631 Approve Purchase Orders and Travel Requests.
With no other items to attend to the meeting was adjourned for the morning.
Jacob can be reached at