By: Jacob Kessler
The Fulton County Commissioners held their first meeting of the week on Tuesday, July 30th. The meeting began at 9:01 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Commissioners first moved to hold a bid opening for ditch improvement project 2145. The engineer’s estimate for the project was set at $89,808.00.
Bids were received from two companies and are as follows. A&A Wagner Farm Drainage in the amount of $81,344.00 and Salenbien Trucking and Excavating in the amount of $98,786.84.
Next, minutes from the July 25th meeting were approved, along with the current agenda and payment of the bills. A review was then conducted of a letter received from the Village of Metamora pertaining to a grant opportunity, followed by a discussion of the Senior Center Levy.
Commissioner Jeff Rupp referenced a certification of estimated tax revenue that was received on the 16th. He then made a motion to conduct a replacement levy.
Commissioners then passed Resolution 2024-593 to declare it necessary to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mil limitation. The following additional items were also approved.
-Resolution 2024-587 Increase & Transfer Appropriations for Various Departments.
-Resolution 2024-588 Approve Inter County Transfers for JFS.
-Resolution 2024-589 Approve Waiver of ALS Charges.
-Resolution 2024-590 Dispose of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Property for Commissioners Office.
-Resolution 2024-591 Approve County Sewer District Special Assessment Rates for 2025.
-Resolution 2024-592 Approve Purchase Orders and Travel Requests.
With no additional items to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 a.m.
Commissioners then held their second meeting of the week on Thursday, August 2nd, The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Commissioners first moved to approve minutes from the July 30th meeting, along with the current agenda.
Next, reviews were conducted for Dog Warden reports for periods ending July 20th and July 27th before moving on to approve the following items.
-Resolution 2024-596 Increase & Transfer Appropriations for Various Departments.
-Resolution 2024-597 Approve Payment Request #2 to Contract 2024-67 with Gerken Paving for the 2024 Asphalt Resurfacing Project.
-Resolution 2024-599 Accept Resignation of Senior Center Employee.
-Resolution 2024-600 Approve Purchase Orders and Travel Requests.
Lastly, a 1st viewing took place for Ditch Improvement 2153 – Clinton. With no other items to attend to, the meeting was adjourned.