Holy Trinity Catholic School now offers Honors Social Studies to the 7th and 8th grades. The rigorous academic environment at Holy Trinity helps prepare students for high school and beyond.
Mrs. Lindsey Sawicki has developed a Social Studies program that goes beyond 7th and 8th grade and includes many high school standards for World History (7th Grade) and American History (8th Grade).
Both grade levels will use primary and secondary sources along with their textbooks, All Ye Lands and American Venture respectively, as a guide. This offers our students a wonderful opportunity to expand their studies beyond their grade level.
In addition, these classes go beyond lecture and note-taking, they are project-based and interactive for our students. There is a summer reading project, many high school standards covered (quarterly assessments to measure the standards covered), semester exams, and Current Events covering globalization from 1991- present day.
Our students also compete in the International Academic Competition’s National History Bee, with Holy Trinity hosting a regional competition that provides students a chance to qualify for national and international competitions.
This is added to Holy Trinity’s Honors Math program, which allows our students to earn high school credit and push an accelerated path through high school.
These programs and other strong academics help prepare our students for high school and beyond, giving them an advantage.