By: Nate Calvin
BRYAN – According to a press release from Bryan City Schools, Jacob Parker has been chosen as the next boys basketball coach at Bryan, pending board approval.
“With a variety of coaching experiences, sense of enthusiasm, and a vision to move the program ahead, Jacob Parker emerged as the ideal candidate to guide the Bryan Golden Bears basketball program”, the statement began.
“We are thrilled to have Jacob Parker leading our boys’ basketball program,” said Nathan Keel, Athletic Director at Bryan City Schools.
“His dedication to the sport and commitment to fostering a culture of excellence align perfectly with our values and vision for the basketball program.”
“Coach Parker’s leadership philosophy prioritizes development of full student-athletes, emphasizing the importance of academic success, character building, relationship building, and community involvement”, the press release announcing Parker, who will be taking over after the resignation of Brock Homier in March, continued.
“It’s a great feeling to be at my alma mater, and to be able to represent Bryan in such a capacity for the community, students, and athletes.”, said Parker.
“We have the opportunity to lead, mentor, and grow student-athletes through basketball to reach their full potential that will carry them far beyond their years of high school.”
“Continuing to build from the past few years, we look to create a positive and energetic culture that the student-athletes will be able to share with their fellow classmates and community support.”
Parker served as the 8th grade boys coach last season after serving as JV/Varsity assistant at Bryan for two seasons and he also spent a year at Fairview as the 8th grade coach and JV/Varsity assistant.