University of Findlay
The University of Findlay recently welcomed new undergraduate and graduate students to campus for spring 2017.
Local students include:
Anna Engle of Wauseon, 43567, is pursuing a master’s degree of teaching English to speakers of other languages.
Chelsea Rice of Edon, 43518, is pursuing a doctor of physical therapy degree.
University of Dayton
The following University of Dayton undergraduates from your area made the dean’s list for the fall 2016 semester, which honors undergraduate students achieving a minimum 3.5 GPA for the semester:
Taylor Vernot of Wauseon
Mary Spieles of Wauseon
Trine University
Students from Trine University’s main campus earned either Dean’s List or President’s List recognition for the Fall 2016 semester.
The following area students were among those named to the Dean’s List:
• Jordan Birdsall of Montpelier, a freshman majoring in Elementary Education
• Joshua Cerda of Fayette, a sophomore majoring in Mechanical Engineering
• Jacob Dewire of Montpelier, a sophomore majoring in Design Engineering Technology
• Dylan Hutchison of Montpelier, a senior majoring in Design Engineering Technology
• Elias King of Wauseon, a sophomore majoring in Mechanical Engineering
• Kyle Long of Edon, a sophomore majoring in Social Studies Education
• Kevin Moden of Wauseon, a junior majoring in Design Engineering Technology
To be named to the Dean’s List, a main campus student must maintain at least 15 credit hours and have a grade point average between 3.5 and 3.749.
The following area students earned President’s List honors:
• Brooke Hardy of Wauseon, a junior studying Chemical Engineering
• Travis Haynes of West Unity, a senior studying Mechanical Engineering
• Alex Kirkingburg of Montpelier, a junior studying Elementary Education
• Branden Turner of Pioneer, a senior studying Elementary Education
• Nolan Stratton of Montpelier, a freshman studying Exercise Science-Pre Physical Therapy
• Hope Scholma of Montpelier, a freshman studying Undeclared
• Jordan Blank of Montpelier, a junior studying English Education
To be named to the President’s List, a main campus student must maintain at least 15 credit hours and have a minimum 3.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
Ashland University
The following area students were named to Ashland University’s Dean’s List for the fall 2016 semester. To be eligible for this honor, a student must be enrolled full time at Ashland University and achieve at least a 3.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
Justin Ashenfelter of West Unity, OH. Ashenfelter is majoring in finance. Ashenfelter is a 2015 graduate of Hilltop High School.
Mariah Hantz of Edon, OH. Hantz is majoring in nursing. She is the daughter of Charles and Melissa Hantz of Edon. Hantz is a 2013 graduate of Edon High School.
University of Akron
The pursuit of academic excellence by more than 800 of UA’s finest during the fall 2016 semester was truly inspiring. Sydney Stoll of Edon, OH, is one of those outstanding individuals.
Stoll, a full-time undergraduate student majoring in Intervention Mild/Moderate, earned a perfect 4.0 semester grade point average for fall 2016, and has made the President’s List.
Know that we are extremely proud of your accomplishments. Knowledge exploration is a life-long journey and one that will serve you well throughout your life and career. Take a moment to celebrate – you’ve earned it!
Congratulations, also, to more than 3,500 students who made the fall 2016 Dean’s List! To be eligible the students needed to maintain a GPA of 3.500 – 3.999, and be enrolled in 12 or more credit hours.
Local Dean’s List students are:
Hannah Carothers of Fayette (43521) majoring in Nursing – Pre-admission
Cassidy Barnes of Wauseon (43567) majoring in Psychology
David Hench of Wauseon (43567) majoring in Interpersonal & Public Communication

Youngstown State University
Morgan McCandless of West Unity, OH has been named to the President’s List at Youngstown State University. McCandless is a YSU Dental Hygiene major. To qualify for the prestigious President’s List, students must have earned a 4.0 grade point average in the Fall 2016 semester.
Goshen College
Katie Yoder, a Sophomore History major from Stryker, is participating in Goshen College’s nationally recognized international study program, Study-Service Term (SST) in Peru this semester.
Megan Graber, a nursing major from Stryker, is also participating this semester.
Goshen College’s 13-week SST program is divided into two distinct parts. During the first half of the journey, students study local culture and language, usually in the country’s capital city. For the second part, students begin work on a volunteer service project, often in a more remote part of the country.