MCS Manufacturing … The company located on County Road 10-3 will soon close its doors as announced at the Lyons Village Council Meeting.
The Lyons Village Council held their meeting on Monday, July 1st. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance, before members moved on to discuss the following items.
Construction efforts for the new Dollar General store are continuing on schedule. Expectations were that the water tap would go in some time that week, with the sewer tap going in the next week, along with paving of the parking lot. It was stated that the store is expected to be open this Fall.
Next, a house on North Adrian Street was discussed. It was stated that developers are having trouble with their current engineer to get drawings done, so a new firm will be obtained.
As for the water tower, no grant money from the wastewater grant was obtained. The village will know about the WRSLA grant sometime in July or August. Money from this, if obtained, will however not be enough to start the water tower project this year.
The EPA service line inventory is going well with less than 100 needed to be received from residents.
Additionally, new radar signs have been received and will be up in a few weeks, CCR letters were sent out per EPA requirements, MCS Manufacturing is closing, and the building is for sale, and bulk trash day is scheduled for October 5th.
A TMACOG meeting is currently scheduled with the village administrator to check into any additional funding available for the village, another section of the zoning book has been received with more expected in July, and a letter from Toledo Edison says they will be increasing their base rate in 2025, and some work has been done to fix some of the playground equipment at the park.
With no other items to attend to, the meeting was adjourned.