GRANTS ANYONE? … Maumee Valley Planning Organization representative Christine Deehr was present at the April 27, 2021 session of the Fulton County Commissioners to present a couple possibilities for assistance to the county. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Part of the Fulton County Commissioners morning session on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 was spent hearing from Christina Deehr from Maumee Valley Planning Organization.
Ms. Deehr had two proposals for the commissioners to consider for Fulton County, one for a regional grant for the Ridge Project and one for a possible grant to pay one nurse’s salary (who was hired due to COVID) at Fairlawn Haven in Archbold.
Commissioner Jon Rupp had asked Cara Leininger, Ohio Means Fulton County Coordinator, to be present in the meeting as he had concerns about the proposals possibly being duplicates of what is already available to them.
Leininger said that the proposal for the Ridge Project to assist with ten individuals that are Low to Moderate Income (LMI) or were incarcerated to receive job education and training would probably “fall under Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) that the county gets to help incarcerate people or anyone who falls under the guidelines.”
The commissioners did not make a decision concerning this recommendation from Deehr but did say they do not want to have a duplicated service.
Following some discussion about the Fairlawn pre-application, which would cover an outdoor seating area as well as the nurse’s salary at Fairlawn, the Commissioners okayed the submission of that application by MVPO.
Also, a part of the morning, a Bid opening took place for the Various Guardrail Replacement project with two bids opened – Lake Erie Construction for $263,795 and Cuyahoga Fence for $282,113.74.
Concerning the bids on another project, Engineers Building, Commissioner Jon Rupp said that he has asked the Maintenance Supervisor to reach out for other quotes as only one was received.
Following a short recess, the Commissioners heard from Beth Friess, Director of the Fulton County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
Friess explained a situation in which there is a need to remodel an area of the building they use, but as the building is owned by the county she was asking for their permission to do so.
The Board of DD has the money to do the remodel and the commissioners gave their approval for it to be done.
In regular business the commissioners voted to approve:
-Agenda for the meeting; Minutes of April 22, 2021; and Payment of bills

-Reviews of Northeast Water System 2020 Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report and the same for Fulton/Lucas water system
-Increase and transfer appropriations for various departments
-Resolution 313 Change order 1 and Payment 2-Final to The Weber Company for Ditch 2138 – McClain
-Resolution 314 Change order 1 and payment 1-Final to Countryside Farm Excavation for Ditch 2143 – Gillen
-Resolution 315 Amendment to 2017-75 with Current Office Solutions
-Resolution 316 Legal and Authorize Ad for 2021 Fulton County Seal Coat Project on behalf of Engineer

-Purchase orders and travel requests.
Rebecca can be reached at