The village of Metamora will be one of 10 entities participating in a feasibility study on a joint fire and EMS district.
The council heard from Gary Loar who said the Fire District Steering Committee has requested the County Commissioners release Revolving Loan Funds to help defray cost of the study, which is expected to cost between $12,00-$14,000. If request is denied, the steering committee may ask entities involved to help defray cost to perform feasibility study.
In other news
Justin Kreischer updated the board about the Personnel and Finance Committee:
• The EYA is meeting at the Fire Hall at 7 p.m. Sunday, March 19. The group has requested Mayor Ken Wysong and a council member attend and discuss the preparing of ball fields. VFO Susan Clendenin will confirm the date. Council President Karon Lane and Justin Kreischer are both willing to attend. Colton Pawlaczyk will do the field prep this year at $10 per hour if the EYA doesn’t do the prep.
• Minutes from June 2016 state the new 5 acres in the park will be harvested in July 2017 so there should be nothing on the 5 acres to prevent its use after the harvest.
• CINTAs asking village to renew uniform contract. There will be a $3.84 weekly increase that will be offset by a 10 percent per invoice discount offered over the 3-year contract. Justin Kreischer motioned to go into a 3-year contract with CINTAs with no increase for the three years.
• Council OK’d a purchase of a new desk and bookshelf for the office from Sauder. The price should be less than $400.
• Fulton County has $14,385 in road funds the village may use for road projects. To get the funds, an engineer needs to draw up and submit the project plans to the county engineer for approval. If the project is approved by the county engineer he will request the commissioner release the road funds to the village to complete the project.
• CDBG to repave Fulton Street – Poggemeyer did the initial engineering for Fulton Street when the village were going to go for Issue 2. The village could have them tweak and update it to put in the CDBG application. Council agreed to move forward with the Fulton Street project even if the village does not get CDBG funding.
• Holiday decorations – The committee likes the 6-foot LEDs without the dazzles. There is $4,000 budgeted for the decorations. These would cost about $3,800 with shipping of about $400. John Pupos motioned to order the 12 pole decorations. Second of motion by Karon Lane and approved by all council.
• Rich Sauerlender has volunteered to head a Park Planning Committee.
• The Lands and Buildings Committee discussed the curb side pick-up. Hoping the village do not have the same issues as last fall. the village want the zoning inspector to ensure residents are not hoarding trash for the curbside pick-up and encourage them to have weekly trash service with Advanced Sanitation.
• The OPWC Capital Improvement Report was reviewed and some things updated. John Pupos will talk to Karin Sauerlender about how she got some of the figures. Then the village will come up with a 5-year plan. Under the last 5-year plan the village completed eight of the 11 items on the list. The costs the were obtained from engineers, Clendenin said.
• The village has received eight CDBG surveys back. One resident will not be returning the survey. Also could add replacing clay tile. There is 24-inch clay tile in the flood plain and sewage is leaking out. It is estimated to cost about $8,000 to replace from the flood plain to the creek and put in a man hole. It was indicated that CDBG is looking for larger projects and the affected area would need a confidential income survey performed, with results eligible for CDBG funding. the village may need to pay for this on our own. Put on the Capital Improvement Report.
• The committee reviewed the project list for 2017. Most of the projects need to wait for warmer the weather.
• D.J.L. Material & Supply – Chip has a quote from D.J.L. for their 2017 Crack Sealant Program. The village purchased the crack sealant and they will provide the SuperShot 125DC (applicator) and a melter w/air compressor with training at no charge. No daily rental fee and no minimum orders. They have been used by 185 other municipal agencies in Ohio and Michigan. The sealant is $0.765 per pound, 2,250 pounds per pallet, and 75 boxes per pallet. Chip will find out if the village need to purchase a pallet and how far a pallet will go. It’s a three-person job. the village would like references from other municipalities.
• Discussed the potential purchase of Red Ear Blue Gills to help handle a snail problem at the reservoir. Chip to get pricing.
• Nothing planned to be purchased for the Fulton SWCD Tree Sale until the village have further park plans.
• Playground Equipment Repair – the village have the supplies to repair. Waiting for warmer, dryer weather.
• Ordinance #951 – Third Reading – Approving 2017 Appropriations.
• Wyson read the Sheriff’s Report for January. Deputies spent a total of 54.5 hours patrolling the village during the month. Officers spent 18 hours in the morning, 21 hours in the afternoon and 15.5 hours on the midnight shift. Officers handled three complaints and one warning.
• The Fulton County Mayor’s meeting was Feb. 28. Wysong said he would speak to the mayor of Swanton about the camera.
• March 22 is the CIC meeting. Wysong represents the village on this board.
• Wysong spoke to our solicitor about the letter circulated around town by a resident. The solicitor said since the letter was not presented to council, no response is required.
• The next meeting is 7 p.m. March 6.
• This report was based on unapproved minutes.
James Pruitt may be reached at