By: Debbie Campbell
After 15 years of service Mayor Ken Wysong resided over his last Village Council meeting on December 23, 2019. When Council returns in January there will be a new Mayor in town.
The minutes of the December 16 meetings were not ready, therefore could not be approved.
Rob Pettrey was in attendance to answer any questions he could about security for the new computers the Village is purchasing. Council members are worried about the security in place to prevent hacking into Village information.
Pettrey is recommending using Microsoft with the two-step verification. Council is looking into options available for storage and sharing documents between office computers. Bills were approved as presented. Council passed the following ordinances:
Ordinance #1010 – Allows the Village to participate in the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program. Ordinance #1012 – Amending 2019 Appropriations – Emergency Measure, increasing account A1-7-E-211 Maintenance Wages and decreasing A1-7-E-230-1 Village Consultant by $350.00. Ordinance #1013 – Establishing 2020 Compensation under Emergency Measure. Ordinance #1014 – Appointing Solicitor & Prosecutor and Establishing Compensation under Emergency Measure. Ordinance #1015 – Approving 2020 Temporary Appropriations under Emergency Measures.
The Village obtained a quote to replace 2 windows. They are still waiting on another quote. The cost should be $1000.00 or less. The Village also obtained a quote to purchase 6 fire extinguishers.
The cost to purchase new extinguishers should be $500.00 or less. The next meeting will be Monday January 6, 2020
Debbie can be reached at