By: Rebecca Miller
After exiting an Executive Session to discuss employee compensation as part of the January 4, 2021 Regular Meeting, Metamora Village council agreed to give village employees Steve Venia and Susan Clendenin a 1.5% raise, effective January 1, 2021.
Mayor Richard Sauerlender announced during the regular meeting that he has assigned council members to the two village committees, which is supposed to be a yearly assignment. During the past, they had stayed the same for years and he explained to council that he wants to rotate at least one member each year so they can all have the opportunity to be on both committees. For 2021, The Lands and Buildings committee will have John Pupos, John Hudik and Cindi Pawlaczyk as members, with Pawlaczyk being the new member. Personnel and Finance will be made up of Karon Lane, Cathy Mossing and Karen Noward with Mossing being the new member.
During the meeting, Council voted to:
- Make Karon Lane president of council again
- Approve December 28, 2020 minutes
- Approve payment of bills as read
- Have an agreement with Pat Dorr of Advanced Sanitation for 2021 for Metamora garbage
(Some discussion was held and it was mentioned that it might be wise to do a Franchise agreement with him in the future.)
Discussion was held concerning snow removal on the village sidewalks in front of businesses. It has been done by the village for some years and council reached the agreement to have the village employees do it again for the rest of this winter, with the understanding that, in the future, the responsibility might be changed over to the business owners. The sidewalks for the post office will be included in this, but they will be responsible for the driveway and parking area.
In Old Business, Sue Clendenin reported that she still needs to get ahold of another business for pricing so they can determine how to handle the Electric Aggregation Agreement.
In New Business, it was agreed that the Christmas lights need to be taken down soon, and one or two back up snow plow drivers are needed (with Jeff Pawlaczyk and one other name mentioned to be asked). Council voted to approve raising their pay to $16 an hour.
Mayor reported that there were only three complaints to the Sheriff’s Department during November.
Rebecca can be reached at