By: Jacob Kessler
The Metamora Village Council held their meeting on Monday, July 1st. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council first moved to approve minutes from the previous meeting held on June 17th, before moving to recognize visitors.
The mayor’s report followed next, with the first item discussed being the sheriff’s report for the month of May. The sheriff’s office spent a total of 39 hours in the village, with nine complaints being received and one citation and warning issued.
Quotes have been provided for purchasing some new roasters for the park. At this year’s party in the park, several had to be borrowed from the Catholic War Vets.
Information will be passed along to the PF&S Committee for their review. A suggestion was given to purchase four.
The FCEDC golf outing is scheduled for September 12th. Discussion took place as to whether the village could sponsor. The Chamber of Commerce will also be contacted to see if they would like to put a team together to represent the village.
It was then stated that N.O.M.M.A. is having a meeting on August 21st in Pemberville to discuss updates on state legislation for recreational marijuana and how it affects communities. Members were asked if anyone would like to attend on behalf of the village.
An email sent by Mannik and Smith was then discussed. The email was to inform the village that bridge inspections will be held this month for both the Garnsey and Swanton Street bridges.
Moving to the fiscal officer’s report, reallocation of monies for this year’s budget was approved, before moving on to discuss the following items.
This year’s annual town garage sales were held on June 22nd. There were 13 registered permit holders, with a discussion taking place as to if permits were needed in the future.
The topic was tabled to be discussed at a future time. Discussion then followed regarding an Auditor of State Bulletin, before moving on to talk about vandalism at the park.
It was stated that, according to sheriff’s report #24-2133, the vandalism to the park was conducted by local boys in town.

The steel door will need to be replaced in the men’s bathroom and better cameras need to be installed that do not require WIFI. A no trespassing order was also discussed for the suspects with no decision being made.
Next, a request made for paternity leave was discussed before council moved to approve a motion to pay the bills.
Committee reports followed after, which included equipment specs. and manuals being passed out for the new playground. The new playground will be installed near the t-ball field.
Under old business, the reservoir demo is complete, and the new fence is installed. Flags around town and at the park were touched on, with the need for inventory numbers discussed.
State Representative Hoops informed council that he would see if a new Ohio State flag and US flag could be obtained for the park.
It was stated that a new law had gone into effect making it so that only flags made in the US could be purchased. The Metamora flag was also discussed, with the idea brought up to change the logo.

Cheryl Geer then brought an item to council’s attention. She stated the Metalassie’s Softball plaque was put on the wrong side of the memorial wall. It was stated that maintenance would be advised to get it corrected.
Under new business, a motion was put forward, and approved, to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance 2024-15, to approve current replacement pages to the Metamora, Ohio codified Ordinances.
Lifewise Academy at Evergreen Schools has been given permission to have an information table at movie night at the park on July 19th. The FCEDC recently performed an assignment (housing opportunities in Fulton County).
A zoom meeting will be held on July 12th at noon to discuss the results of the survey. Next, a new delegate form was signed for RITA. The old form still had the previous mayor listed on it.
Lastly, Toledo Edison has contacted the village in regard to moving a pole on the west side of the intersection downtown before the bridge replacement begins. The question or whether or not a permit was needed came up and will be looked into.
With no other items to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m.