The Metamora Village Council held their meeting on Monday, April 3rd. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes from the meeting held on March 20th were approved first along with the reading of the bills.
Under old business, discussion took place about a sewer issue on East Main Street. An estimate, which only included materials, was received with a cost of $6,042.48.
There will be additional charges for stone and labor. Before going forward with the repairs, it was stated that the village should have an engineer look at the issues and give advice on what to do. Work will be done to find an engineer that can help.
It was then stated that the back wall needs to be repaired. Work is being done to find a finish contractor that can do the work.
Moving to new business, council members have begun “policing” the town for Metamora’s Operation Clean up.
There were concerns with a property on E. Main St., broken windows and old tires laying around the yard. A letter will be sent to the property owner asking for them to clean up these issues.
The Fulton County Economic Development Corporation invited the village administration to attend the NORED Annual Meeting and Luncheon on Friday, April 28th.
The meeting will take place at Levis Commons in the Hilton Garden Inn. Next, the discussion shifted to the Metamora Chamber of Commerce, which has submitted their lease agreement for the use of the village park.
The Chamber was told that they would not be able to have early access to the buildings if they did not have the park reserved.
It was stated that the chamber questioned if they could set up early without the use of the buildings.
They were informed that, if insurance does not cover them on those days, then the answer would be no.
There is also the concern about interfering with any scheduled EYA games, which would not be allowed.
Moving to the fiscal officer’s report, council members were asked to review the insurance policy renewal for 2023-2024.
If any changes need to be made, they will be discussed at the next meeting. A $2,000.00 donation was received from the Fulton County Visitors Bureau for the Falling Into Fall Festival.
An expense line was then mentioned with it be said line #B12-7-X-240 needed to be increased by $2,783.69 for this year’s budget to match the exact amount of funds in the bank account that has the ARPA money.
A motion was then made, and approved, to reimburse Jordan Clark for an equipment rental at a cost of $279.84 and for grass seed.
Lastly, the Fulton County grant writer will be contacted to see what grants the village can apply for to repair Mill Street.
With no further business to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.