By Renea Kessler
The Village Reporter
The Metamora Village Council held their meeting on Wednesday, June 21st. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council approved minutes from the previous meeting held on June 5th as well as reading of the bills.
Council discussed the village office being closed on July 3rd and then questioned whether they needed contracts with Advanced Sanitation for trash services. It was stated that there was one in the past however, no contract is needed.
Council then went on to discuss repairs that were done and upcoming repairs that will take place in the village.
J.B. Road Repair did dura patching around town, and it was decided that tar and chipping would not be done this year.
They did what they could with the parking lot, however, future repairs will need to be done to it.
Sidewalks will be getting repairs as well; the list will be prioritized to service the ones that need attention first.
Council then went on to talk about Finn Fish Farm giving them a quote for new fish in the reservoirs. The council feels like they are recommending too many fish.
They want a few fish just to clean up the algae since they do not need the reservoirs to be maintained like a residential pond.
It was stated that council member John Pupos would reach out to Finn Fish Farm to discuss it further.
ouncil members said that they should at least put a few fish into the reservoir this year and gave Pupos the go ahead to order some.
Next, council moved to discuss items listed under old business. Old business consisted of a review of the Party in the Park event.
Council also approved the return of a deposit to the Chamber of Commerce before hearing a couple of concerns that were brought up about this year’s party as well.
Some bollards were taken down and never put back in their place and cars were driving around the park with pedestrians.
Pupos stated that there were gates that can be closed and remain closed while opening them only to allow vendors and workers into the park.
Council stated that there should be some kind of barricade around the grills that were going outside of the concession stand with it being stated this concern will be noted for next year’s event.
The fiscal officer’s report was then given with some of the items being discussed including the next council meeting being moved to Wednesday, July 5th and a letter sent by attorney Whitlock that talked about a possible purchase of land.
The mayor’s report was then given to council along with the sheriff’s report. With nothing else left to discuss, council adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Renea can be reached at